View Full Version : I always think somethings wrong with me

19-12-13, 16:58
Hi everyone
I constantly think something is wrong with me. I have trouble breathing sometimes with anxiety and sometimes I just think im going to stop breathing for no reason. Today I went to a place that had strobe lights. I was fine until one person said before turning them on is anyone epileptic? So I started thinking what if I am?! Now even though im at home im worrying im going to have a seizure or something. I am getting a little fed up of always thinking somethings wrong with me. Can anyone help?

19-12-13, 17:26
Hi Becky,

I think how you are feeling is very common for people with health anxiety.

The first step to getting better is being self aware enough to realise that your thoughts are not rational and that the illness you are suffering from is health anxiety. I'm guessing that you are already at that point since you are positing here.

As a starting point, I suggest a bit of at home self help - maybe a book about health anxiety (a chap called Skippy on this board has a wonderful e-book on Amazon - he used to have health anxiety and is now better). If you are doing anything that makes you feel worse such as googling symptoms, smoking or whatever, try to stop or cut down. Look in to breathing exercises, meditation or exercise when you are stressed. Try to get involved in your hobbies, even if it's just reading a good book instead of letting yourself dwell on the fears.

There are a few great free of charge online CBT courses you can take, some of which are advertised on this site. I took one of these and found them to be a huge help in learning how my mind works and how I become so irrational.

On top of the self help, see your Doctor and discuss your options - there are a range of things out there such as medications, counselling, CBT etc but if you don't have the means to go private you may have to wait a little while for them which is why doing the self help is so important in the meantime.

Most importantly, remember that you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is an illness like any other.