View Full Version : Feeling I'll again, still fear cancer

19-12-13, 18:28
Okay so I have been posting on here for a while know since I have been struggling for a while with my health. Specifically with stomach pains, generally feeling unwell I also get a dry mouth and it feels like I can't breathe, I can't really explain entirely but I have just felt so ill :( I have also lost a lot of weight and have lost my appetite, and all of this causes worry! I just try to cling onto the fact that all of these things could be caused by worry in the first place but I can't help but think what if it is cancer? It's not helpful that the doctors refuse me scans, I don't want to be one of the cases where the doctor kept refusing and it turnt out to me too late to help :( not helped by the fact that A 14 year old I know has recently been diagnosed with cancer. It just reignited the thoughts in my head and I don't know what to do anymore :( I just want to feel well again

19-12-13, 18:30
I'm sorry to see you're feeling so sick still, anxiety can take a major toll on our health.

Have you started work on reducing your anxiety and stress levels yet? It might go a long way towards helping how you feel physically.

19-12-13, 18:42
This is my fear as well. Sorry about the person who you know has been diagnosed with cancer, never easy at any age. I was frighten and still am I will be one of these people and it turns out it too late. I been for tests and scans and everything seems fine apart from maybe a small pouch on the small bowel. I know if there was a serious problem like polyps etc from the camera job I would have had to have another camera job.
I worrying about every pain, ache etc.
It seems like the GPS maybe fobbing you off at bit. Have you been back to the GPs and say you are really concerned.

22-12-13, 04:43
Thanks a lot for getting back to me :( I know I really don't know what to do, I'm led in bed awake at the moment and I just can't sleep, my tummy still sore and my side :( I just wish I could stop worrying, I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this however long or short it is it's driving me mad

22-12-13, 08:08
You need to get some help with the irrational worry, some CBT would be a really good start.

22-12-13, 19:25
yeah, i have been to counselling but to be honest I dont think its that helpful, i mean i need help specifically with anxiety not talking about where i want to go in life etc..

22-12-13, 19:42
I think you're right there, talk therapy can be good to help you wok your way through difficult issues, but it doesn't give you many tools to work with when anxiety hits.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed for this kind of issue, it will help you look at the way you think and give you tools to tackle the irrational worry cycles. It would be a good idea to look into it for yourself.