View Full Version : help

12-11-06, 21:22
hi can anyone help..been on meds for about 10 yrs on and off..on ...last 6 yrs after ending up in A&E with serious anxiety...only been on 10 mgs last 4 yrs been fine.....got a tummy bug 2 months ago..then just hit rock bottom, ended up on 40mgs after 3 weeks of fiddling with doesgae...havent been able to go back to work for nearly 8 weeks...was due to go back this thursday as feeling a lot better...anyway went out for a few drinks friday (i have always had a drink or 2 over last 10 yrs) have spent yesterday and today feeling very bad....surely this illness cant take away the old glass of wine with my friends...its isolating enough...feels like it will never go away

12-11-06, 21:43
hi mooks just want to say when i drink it does set me back a few days dont think drink does any good and does make me suffer after.you are just having a few rough days and im sure it will get better.you have got alot better over the last 4 yrs and it is getting better its just a blip,think of how far you have come.you should be proud of yourself.tc tracy:D

12-11-06, 22:00
Hi mooks

I will admit that i probably drink too much and reaise that it can set you back. i do use it as a med as i'm scared of taking tabs which is wrong i know, but at the momment i am happy to continue as i have a few glasses of wine in the evening and it does help. if i have anymore than this then i feel terrble the next day, but a few glasses seems to work for me. Like you say surley this thing cant take away every pleasure we have! I have just stopped smoking 6 weeks ago and will concentrate on cutting down the wine in a month or so. You say that you are only having the odd glass so if thats the case and its helping then dont feel guilty. its only a problem if you NEED it all the time to relax and cant do without it. Maybe you had one too many and thats why you felt bad. I'm sure just the odd glass wont hurt!


12-11-06, 22:05
i know what you are saying...what bothers me is that 4 yrs on 10mg then having a huge backward step ending on 40 mg...has this ever happden to anyone else???? I like the odd drink with my friends as it makes me feel normal...its never interacted before...now I feel thats been taken away from me as well...so here I am on highest dose I ve ever taken etc....off work for the longest ever and cant see any future happiness..as I thought I was doing ok...my dad commited suicide last year which devasated me...but I coped on the 10 mgs...now 15 months later Im a wreck again and I can't see why...my poor family..as its makes them suffer as well....any ideas anyone

12-11-06, 22:07
ohhh god I can't even begin to tackle the fags.....but it set off more anxiety etc....as the glass of wine in the evening with a good group of friends was really im portant to me....now its like......why me