View Full Version : Fed up with breathing issue, no doubt caused by me !

19-12-13, 19:20
I have had health issues for 13 years or so now, perhaps longer, and lately I have got to the point where I seem to give myself illnesses. Near by to where I live, there must be someone with a chimney or wood burner, as it stinks outside of sooty smoke, and this gets inside where I live even with windows closed, as I live in a small wooden building. I like the window open, even in winter, due to letting fresh air in, but can't even do that now. Last year was fine, so not sure why this has begun this year.

Anyway, a month in to this (last week), I started to breath weird, like deep breaths, multiple times, all the time. I read up on the dangers of wood smoke and saw things like toxic, particles getting lodged in the lungs, breathing problems, and so on. So I am thinking I am causing this myself. Part of me still thinks though the smoky smell is causing it, but I can't even see the smoke, only smell it. It is strong, and the room will stink of it, but I doubt after a month I would have lung problems already. Also even on the days I am lucky that they don't light a fire, I have the breathing issues. However, I get the occasional few minutes when I am okay when my mind is pre-occupied. Otherwise I am focused all the blooming time on my breathing.

Why am I like this ? Logically it HAS to be me causing this, surely. I bought a C02 meter and a C0 meter, both are fine, and even when my rooms stinks of sooty smoke it doesn't move and stays way within safe levels.

Because the smell is nearly every day, I have a horrible feeling I will be making myself feel this way every day. There won't be a let up. I can't even see how a doctor can cure me as I know I am being stupid and it is likely me. Right now I feel very light headed and spaced, I am guessing due to the way I am breathing probably, but no doubt 20% of me thinks it is the toxins, which is enough to make me wonder. I am sick also of not being able to open my windows. I am not in a smoke free zone so nothing I can do about it, I can't even tell which house it is, as a few have chimneys or burners going in the street.

Anyone else as messed up as me ?