View Full Version : Why do I keep feeling as if I'm seriously ill

19-12-13, 19:31
Lump in throat by Adams apple acid most days i feel out of control totally chest and stomach feels like pins being stuck in me back pain too I'm on a downer today I also have soft stools too I know i hate being me sometimes I always think the worst and think all day long it never lets up thanks Any help please thank you

19-12-13, 19:37
Gaz, this is health anxiety - it makes us think that we have a more serious problem than we actually do. And all the stress from worrying takes a big toll on our bodies so we can feel sick a lot and have problems with our digestive system as you've mentioned.

Have you gotten any help with your anxiety problem? Or have you talk to your doctor about how bad you're feeling?

19-12-13, 19:41
Hi I've been too the doctors they gave me propanolol but I'm scared too take it I think I'm going too have aheart attack and get the pains in chest like pins

19-12-13, 19:42
Have you considered CBT or any other methods of dealing with the anxiety along with the meds the doc gave you?

19-12-13, 19:45
What is cbt I just want these feelings too go away it's making my life awful

19-12-13, 19:48
CBT is short for cognitive behavioural therapy, it's a highly recommended type of treatment for anxiety problems. It will help you look at how you think and learn to deal with the irrational thoughts. It's extremely beneficial to anxiety sufferers, it's a shame your doctor didn't tell you about it. You can google for therapists in your area to get some help.

With anxiety problems it usually doesn't go away by itself, we have to look at our minds and our lifestyles to see how we can make ourselves feel better and take control of how we are thinking.

CBT is a really good start. Learning meditation or other relaxation methods and practicing them daily would also really help you.

19-12-13, 19:52
Thank you I will look into it anything too get me back on track and out of this hellhole I'm in feeling ill all day isn't a good thing it's dragging me down

19-12-13, 19:59
I can imagine it's tough to keep going when you feel so bad all the time, I've been there myself.

Go to google and look for stress management or anxiety management techniques. Learn as much as you can about dealing with anxiety and start putting it into practice. If anything it should help you feel a little better physically if you can reduce some of the mental stress.

To start with take small steps, no need for a massive change in your lifestyle.

These things will all help:

- CBT or psychotherapy
- exercise a few days a week
- daily relaxation method like meditatin
- balanced diet, don't skip meals
- avoid stimulants like caffeine and excess sugar
- distracting yourself with hobbies and things you like to do
- raising your mood in whatever ways you can, make yourself happy

19-12-13, 20:06
I try too eat regular meals but I also have the problem with swallowing at one point it took me 1 hr too eat a basic meal I seem too stop myself and jump back and lift my shoulder with the tension that's in there incase I choke it's awful at times

19-12-13, 20:20
If you go for CBT they may also be able to help you with this issue, make sure to talk to your therapist about it. Just eat what you can when you can, and if you're really struggling then talk to your doctor. Eating regularly is extremely important in keeping your mental state balanced.

19-12-13, 20:25
Thanks I am trying my hardest it just feels never ending at the minute I get rid of one thing then another rears it's head and knocks me back down again

19-12-13, 20:29
That's why it's so important to learn tools to help yourself stop falling back into it again, it's the only way to really put an end to anxiety :)

19-12-13, 22:31
Honey Love is exactly right, Gaz. Anxiety can make you feel so very sick. Go back and take a look at some of my early posts on the forum. I felt the same way that you did. You're in a place right now that so many of us understand.

Just take some small steps. Learn what you can about stress management techniques. Watch a YouTube video on self guided meditation. Fiteen to thirty minutes a day can make a world of difference in your anxiety levels. Take thirty minutes a day to watch something that can make you laugh. Distraction can work wonders!

The important thing to remember is this is anxiety, and it can't hurt you!

19-12-13, 23:05
wow gaz im the same all the same symptoms sorry to sound happy I thought I was only one and I also was given propanalol but like u im scared to take it I feel horrendous but ur post is creeply exact to how I feel so at least we are not alone hope u keep well x

20-12-13, 11:35
It's going too take some time but we will get through this we won't be beaten at all

---------- Post added at 11:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 ----------

What's the best sites too look at for meditation techniques

20-12-13, 12:05
YouTube has loads of videos on the basics of meditation, it's a good place to start. Just look for meditation for beginners.

I can also recommend a book: Soul-Centered by Sarah McClean. Great book and teaches all different types of meditation as well as explains how it works.

20-12-13, 16:06
Ian I what do you experience

20-12-13, 16:15
I get bad chest pain severe acid reflux I feel full and bloated all the time constant burping , and today I have vomiting just feel horrendous all the time symptoms are always there so I freak out a lot and like u finding it really hard to cope as im so scared feel free to ask anything ive missed as im struggling to remember everything