View Full Version : Sugar. Need some help ...!?

19-12-13, 19:32
Today was working in a room with spilled
Peresafe in the floor (it sterilises medical equipment as is very dangerous)
I touched the floor to pick some rubbish up then went to eat and didn't even think to wash my hands :mad: it makes us skin go blue if u touch it
Now I'm very worried I might die suddenly.

19-12-13, 19:36
If you were going to die suddenly you would have died by now :D Seriously Emma, if you did have any on your hands (which you probably didn't) it would have been so minute it would not have been enough to me harmful. You said it makes your skin go blue...did your fingers go blue?

19-12-13, 20:19
No they didn't :(
Just panicking big time as dry mouth x

19-12-13, 20:25

Are you getting any help? Because you are far too young to be living like this.

19-12-13, 20:42
Emma, your dry mouth will be because you are getting anxious. Have a glass of water and stop worrying...you will be fine :)

20-12-13, 11:29
I was having CBt but that's stopped now...
Just wish I could lead a normal life lol.

20-12-13, 12:08
You don't just have CBT and then your worries all suddenly go away, you need to start putting it into practice.

You also need to start doing something about your home environment, as everyone keeps reminding you. You know how much better you felt when you were on holiday - what more proof do you need that this should be your number one priority?

Or to put it another way: - if you aren't making the changes that will reduce your HA then why are you expecting that it's going to go away any time soon?

Wishing won't help you, you have to do something. You are an adult Emma - take control of your life!

20-12-13, 12:09
Emma, let me ask you a question that you dont have to answer.

What are you doing to get closer to leading a normal life?

If you ignore for a moment that most posts on this site are like this one, seeking reassurance for a specific incident or symptom, there are also some great posts that give some practical steps and tips to recover. There are also people on here who have to a greater or lesser extent and remain online to tell the tale which should provide evidence that it is indeed possible.

All roads don't lead to CBT. Yes it is fab, but it is only as worthwhile as the person doing it's capacity to take on board learning, put it into practice and continue to improve.

20-12-13, 12:42
Emma, there is a free online CBT course, where you can continue your CBT therapy. The key is that you have to practice it every day.

20-12-13, 13:25
Hi again Emma,

You've been given some great advice and I can only really echo it.

As Brunette said, the way you are living, with threat of physical violence no less, will not be helping your anxiety issues. I've offered before to help you find some resources to help you get out of there because it sounds like such a toxic enviroment for anyone, let alone somebody with anxiety issues.

As others said, CBT is not a magic pill. You have to use it, whether it's hard or not, for it to ever work.

Do you really want to get better Emma, or is your self esteem so crippled and your confidence so low that you think that this is all there is for you in life?

20-12-13, 13:32
I'll just echo the above. I'll also point out that you were an entirely different person when you were here in the US on vacation. You didn't complain once about anything! You got back home and went right back to negativity and anxiety. If that doesn't speak volumes, what else will?

Positive thoughts

20-12-13, 23:55
I'll assume that this issue isn't worrying you any longer and that in future, you aren't actually looking for advice or help but reassurance only. I don't do that, so good luck to you.

21-12-13, 00:22
I'm curious as to why, when someone asks a specific question like Tanner did here and Nic did on the other thread, you don't answer?

Positive thoughts

21-12-13, 00:30
I second the question that Fishmanpa asked. I would love to help but I'm not sure that you are really ready or willing to do the work.

11-01-14, 19:13
Have just posted on my 'so embarrassed' thread about this :)