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12-11-06, 21:27
Hi Just wondered how many out there were empathic or suffered from candidasis?
Both these things make anxiety worse.
Would you take the quizzes,it could help some of us.:)

You answered 9 items out of 10 Yes.

Your score is 90%. You are a natural born empath.


My candida score was very high.
Your total score is 1616
A score of over 500 is significant for Candida!
You should seriously consider seeing a qualified naturopathic physician.


Candida quiz for women:

Candida quiz for men:

Love & light to you x

12-11-06, 21:39
Hi :D

My score was below 500 :D



12-11-06, 21:43
Emotional Test
You answered 7 items out of 10 Yes.

Your score is 70%. You are very much in touch with your emotional body.

Your total score is 1420
A score of over 500 is significant for Candida!
You should seriously consider seeing a qualified naturopathic physician.
This is very helpful because although there are many natural products for Candida,
remember that for naturopaths Candida is considered to be a symptom of some underlying disorder.


Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

12-11-06, 22:00
Quiz: How Sensitive Are You?

You answered 8 items out of 10 Yes.

Your score is 80%. Your nature is highly sensitive!

Ohhhh I new that anyway.:D



12-11-06, 22:15
Hi there
my score was 80% Your nature is highly sensitive!
my candida score was 104 so no problem there!
Love Helen

12-11-06, 22:17
If you are an empath/sensitive,then people around you drain your energies(not on purpose) and you pick up their emotions and problems in your auric field,this is why many avoid crowds,(to avoid a panic attack)
Grounding exercises can help as well as using crystals or shielding i.e. visualising white light all around you.


For candida try yeast raiders from holland & barrett.
Although didnt work for me,Im still trying to kill the thing.

Love & light to you x

12-11-06, 23:45
Will take my time to read this. Then let you know what i think.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-11-06, 18:16
Thanks Sal x
Im trying to find out once and for all,why we have this and what can be done.
I refuse to believe there is no cause for it.
Doctors just shrug.
I think theres more to it.[?]
Whether it be,stress,childhood,genetic,candida or whatever.
There are people who have similar lives to us,who dont suffer like we do and I find this strange.

Love & light to you x

13-11-06, 20:50
Quiz: How Sensitive Are You?

You answered 10 items out of 10 Yes.

Your score is 100%. You are a natural born empath.

Your total score is 970
A score of over 500 is significant for Candida!
You should seriously consider seeing a qualified naturopathic physician.
This is very helpful because although there are many natural products for Candida,
remember that for naturopaths Candida is considered to be a symptom of some underlying disorder.

My candida score was not that high, but I find that my empathy can drain me sometimes. I'd still rather be that way though. :)


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.