View Full Version : Leg Pain?

20-12-13, 05:07
So, for about a week and a bit (not sure exactly) I have been getting this pain in my legs. sometimes sharp and other times dull and tight. I am pretty sure it is caused by anxiety because it dies down when I am doing something but the second I finish whatever I was doing it will come back. It is in the lower half of my calf and used to be just on the right but now it is on both. I did the stupid thing - i googled. and that only makes it worse but I am so worries about dvt (my dad had it about 12 years ago) and every day I say to myself "ask to go to the doctors. just ask" (i am only 14 so I have to ask) but I never get the courage to do so. It is really eating me up as you can probably tell since the grammar and general English of this is awful.

Has anyone had any similar experiences?
Also sometimes there will be like goosebump type of shivers either along my legs or down my face but I am pretty sure that that is anxiety.

again, sorry for the English in this. not a good first impression.

20-12-13, 07:35
Hi Kitty, welcome to the boards :)

There have been so many people here to believe that they had dvt, but none of them have actually had it. The same with a long list of other illnesses!

You're too young to spend so much time worrying over diseases that affect people far older than you. Now is a time you should be carefree and happy, enjoying your youth and health!

Have you spoken to anyone about the health anxiety? It would be a good idea to talk to an adult and get some help handling it, it will help you feel so much better x

20-12-13, 10:22
Hi Kitty. At your age it is highly unlikely to be anything more serious than growing pains. I got leg pain all the time in my teens as do my children now who are a similar age to you and this is very common for your age group as your body s going through a lot of normal, natural changes. You really should have a chat about your fears to a parent or another adult you trust, maybe the school nurse if you have one. Take care and have a lovely Christmas x