View Full Version : PTSD category?

15-07-04, 15:48
Hi Nicola,

I'm brand new here and still getting the lay of the land, but am wondering if you plan to have a category for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point. I've had PTSD since early childhood and wonder if there are others here coping with it as well.

I have a very solid understanding of PTSD through therapy and extensive reading but have to constantly work with my symptoms to overcome them - one of the primary ones being feeling frozen like a deer in headlights when faced with a crisis. I have learned to shorten my "freeze time" dramatically but I still always go through it. So tedious, but the PTSD has rewired my nervous system, and it is what it is.

So, in asking if there will be a category for PTSD at some point, I was thinking it would be good to talk with others about their progress, strategies for coping with symptoms and such.


15-07-04, 20:19

No sooner said than done!

There is now a new category so get posting away. We look forward to your advice.

