12-11-06, 21:36
hi all,
havent been on as much lately, im still doing well, even though i have started a habit of sad thoughts and feelings and my body still responds faithfully. it still doesnt matter though cos my bodies quick reaction to thoughts is still only habit, and i still dont care. the only way to get through and out of all this is to just let it happen, all i tell myself and FEEL is that their only thoughts/ only feelings and they dont matter, its such a little part of my life now. when you really really feel not mattering you never lose it again it will always fetch you back up again, the only thing to believe is that you are all going through recovery no matter what the sneaky doubts tell you. remember THE SURFACE WAVES MAKE MUCH MORE FUSS BUT YOU ARE THE DEEP CURRENT THAT WILL CARRY YOU THROUGH.

take care my "good" thoughts are with you all

we are all stronger people after having this

12-11-06, 21:54
hi JuJU
ive felt like s..t all day to day,you know you think your getting better then you slip aargh! but your post has made me feel better in myself thats what i needed some pukka positive stuff,thanks for picking me up from the floor

12-11-06, 22:07
thanks mick
just remember its only old thoughts and old feelings that are trying to do this to you, its not now, and its nothing to do with your recovery mate
good luck

we are all stronger people after having this

12-11-06, 22:18
nice one Juju
i think i will have that statement of yours tattooed on my arm lol;)so ican never forget it! see im laughing again,one minute your down the next your up,iprefer up anyday
take care m8

12-11-06, 23:41
Hi Julie

Great to hear how well you are doing hun. Keep in touch. Proud of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-11-06, 17:41
Juju, it sounds daft but i had a tear in my eye reading your post - you are so right,i guess at the time we just don't believe (well i certainly don't) I have been seeing a psychotherapist who has been going through things in my past which are the undercurrent to the panic attacks and anxiety i feel today. Like you said tho they must be 'old feelings' that i haven't dealt with coming back causing the anxiety in my life now (i bloomin hope so anyway!) - i must add my life at this moment is apsolutely wonderful and couldn't ask for anything more (apart from not having this flaming problem) and this really draggs me down. I don't think i go a day without thinking 'will anxiety get it's hands round me again' ' what awful things are gonna come into my head''will i ever not feel scared and on the verge of an attack again'. I feel i lose more strength to fight everytime and that is so hard. I'm hoping my sessions will work and dissolve all that is 'haunting' me.
Thanks for your post, it really struck a cord...:-)

14-11-06, 07:05
What an inspiring post juju..I like the sea analogy. I'm going to try to keep that in mind.


Coni X

14-11-06, 18:57
Juju thanks for writing this post it helps a lot xx


14-11-06, 19:02
thanks all,
kitty there is no fight hun there is only you and nothing else, your in control of your emotions, like me i used to think that it must be something to do with the past, and i know that psychiatrists and such will always say there must be a reason, or an answer, but i dont believe this, obviously if i had a real past problem deep seated i would agree but there is nothing. i dont believe in rehashing the past thats all over with, and cant be changed, i only look forward to the future and full recovery now. no looking back. half the thoughts that kept me scared and anxious were only old thoughts, not real events anyway. you change the way your brain works by all the negs-you can change it back to all positive too. no matter what- and no matter how long. look at it like this they are only thoughts and physical feelings and dont matter.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

14-11-06, 19:33
Hi Ju,

What a great post ! So pleased you are doing so well,Hope we can all learn something from it, many thanks for sharing.
