View Full Version : Evolving and changing health anxiety...

20-12-13, 09:49
Hi all,

Hoping some one can help here... As you all know I suffer badly with health anxiety, specifically neurological symptoms such as dizziness...
However the past few weeks I seemed to of had a break through with the anxiety and started feeling a lot better... Causing a reduction in my symptoms...

However the past few days my symptoms have changed to heart related issues...

I keep getting this horrible choking sensation when lying down, it feels like there's a bubble in my throat. I also get the odd palp and slight weird chest sensation including internal chest vibrations :(

I had an ECG when the dizziness started and this showed a short pr rate...
Had a 24 hour ECG and saw a cardiologist who said I would be fine...

I am feeling worried and confused and feel like I'm going round in circles :(

Mrs Anxious
20-12-13, 10:58
Could your symptoms be acid reflux? this is a big symptom of anxiety and does match the symptoms you have described? Im not a doctor of course just going on ur symptoms and the fact I get heartburn, why dont you try some gaviscon and see if that helps iniatially? take care

20-12-13, 11:09
I don't think so... I'm just hoping it's anxiety and nothing more serious :(

20-12-13, 11:18
Fedup I think the fact that your anxiety is switching between different conditions more or less proves that it is anxiety that is the problem rather than your brain or your heart.

Unfortunately you will continue to go round in circles until you get help with the root cause which is your Health Anxiety.

Look at the posts on the forum, the majority of them revolve around the same fears and the same conviction that anxiety cannot be the cause.

Wishing you luck

20-12-13, 11:22
Thank you :) I'm awaiting CBT in January so hopefully things will be on the up then :) x

20-12-13, 11:28
Hi Fedup,

It is frequent on this forum that someone says they are waiting for something, like CBT to help them with their HA.

My thought is always, what are you doing while you are waiting? You are not a helpless participant in your recovery, and in fact CBT will only be useful if you actively engage, so it is worth having a think about what you can do, right now, today to help yourself get better.

Perhaps you already are, but I worry that people place too much stock on CBT which is only a vehicle to support recovery, not a means to an end in itself.

Good luck and merry christmas.

20-12-13, 11:42
Hi, completely understand where your coming from... And sometimes I think I'm pinning all my hopes on it which is wrong...
I've got a lot to do today so will hopefully become distracted, however I am not sure if you can help as I'm not sure what else to try !?

20-12-13, 12:04
Hi Fedup,

It is frequent on this forum that someone says they are waiting for something, like CBT to help them with their HA.

My thought is always, what are you doing while you are waiting? You are not a helpless participant in your recovery, and in fact CBT will only be useful if you actively engage, so it is worth having a think about what you can do, right now, today to help yourself get better.

Perhaps you already are, but I worry that people place too much stock on CBT which is only a vehicle to support recovery, not a means to an end in itself.

Good luck and merry christmas.

Couldn't agree more CPE. There are good CBT courses available on-line and for free, including CBT4PANIC which is recognised by this site.

I know of quite a few people who have "waited" for CBT thinking that it would be the "magic" cure. They have not realised that CBT only gives them the tools to deal with their anxiety but it is up to them to use the skills and to practice.

Turning up for appointments is nowhere near enough.

Sorry this is not aimed at you fedup it is simply an observation to many posts seen on here where people are frustrated that they have done attended a CBT course but are still struggling.


20-12-13, 12:05
Ok Fedup.........

I am supposed to be working right now, although am failing miserably as I am trying to do something that numbs my brain quite phenomenally, but I think there are lots of things you can do. I will try and reply in more detail later.

Also when I was feeling awful, not all that long ago Honeylove sent me a PM which had loads of fabulous tips. Some of which I took on board and others i didnt. I viewed it like a recovery menu. Might be worth getting in touch with her and seeing whether she will send you the same thing.

If you want to know what I think and you have time, have a glance through some of my old posts where I have tried to explain what I think helped me.

If I think back to August, I was in the pits. Now quite frankly, I am for the most part ok.

20-12-13, 12:06
Fed up, I totally agree with Chris. We often pin too much on waiting on a "miracle cure", while daily there arebmanynthings that we can be doing to help ourselves. Also, there is a free CBT class online that could give you a jump start, and it's quite good.

I find laughter to be a great tool and a great distraction. I try to find something to watch for thirty minutes a day that will make me laugh. YouTube has plenty of videos and comedies.

Taking a walk with my dogs helps me to get my mind off of symptoms. Playing with my nieces or nephews is helpful.

Breathing exercises and/or meditation everyday is almost a must for me.

So what one thing are you going to do today to help yourself?

20-12-13, 12:18
I'm currently wrapping Christmas presents but my mind is still wondering off and I have such weird chest sensations... I keep getting a fullness in my throat, dizzy spells and feel like I can't breathe! I'm frustrated as I was doing so so well!!

My other half has a half day today and then we're going to decorate the tree so there is stuff to keep my busy but I don't get why these heart symptoms have started... Why does anxiety just jump from one to the other?? Why 3 weeks ago did I think I was about to have a seizure, now it's a heart attack!?

God I must be so frustrating to you lot!!

20-12-13, 12:23
It's just anxiety, FedUp. We've all been there so don't worry. I found that trying to find the answer to the "why's" was a huge part of my problem. I just had to learn to accept it and move on.