View Full Version : pain all over..so worried about it

20-12-13, 12:22

I know the majority of us are not medically trained but I just wanted some advice and to know if anyone out there has experienced anything similar. I also want to stay clear of dr google so have come on here instead.

This started a few weeks ago (about 5) with pain, tenderness and discomfort in my upper abdomen. This pain is constant and gets worse throughout the day. Then I started getting pain and tenderness in my back (I tried to put this down to being in bed alot) and over the last couple of days ive started getting achy arms that kinda feel heavy and tender. This morning I woke up with painful boobs.

I am terrified it is cancer that is spreading as there is a new pain elsewhere every few days. It just feels weird and I am so worried about it. I feel like when they find out whats wrong then it will be too late. I keep thinking I am going to die soon and I am really struggling to carry on.

I am awaiting an ultrasound and a cbt appointment. The dr has also put me on anxiety medication. I have no other symptoms such as weight loss or sickness but I am expecting these to come later.

Please help and advise.

20-12-13, 12:41
Hi Cherry,

I was like this a few weeks ago - random pains & twinges all over my body, sore arms, tender skin and so tired. Cancer has never been one of my fears but for some reason the thought popped into my head. I haven't had huge issues with my HA lately so this came out of nowhere. I was thinking exactly the same as you and I could slowly feel my anxiety levels rising. Do you know what though? About a week later I came down with a tummy bug followed by flu. It has taken me the best part of 2 weeks to get over this and I still have a very bad cold and feel crappy... but I am on the mend. I've been very busy and run down lately so I have to put it down to that. I really hope you feel better soon sweetheart (and you will)! Big hugs. xx

20-12-13, 13:08
Hi meche.

Thank you for your reply. I hope i do feel better soon. But im stuck in the here and now. Every hour just drags. And with stupid HA its always worst case scenario even though we know that anxiety can manifest itself physically. I am glad you are on the mend. Hope you have a lovely xmas xx

20-12-13, 13:31
You hit the nail on the head - 'anxiety can manifest itself physically'! Just keep telling yourself that every time you think the worst. Looking back now I can see quite clearly I was coming down with something but the anxiety side of my thought process quickly jumped in and knocked my rational side on its backside - it never stood a chance! Real symptoms combined with anxiety symptoms - disaster! You really will feel better. I had MS & a brain tumour this time last year and so far I'm doing great..... :doh:! xxx

20-12-13, 13:41
Sounds very much anxiety related to me chick. The pains sound far too disjointed and unrelated to be anything serious.

20-12-13, 15:43
Thank you so much. I feel a bit better after taking to you and more reassured x