View Full Version : Am I ill?

20-12-13, 13:04
As it's Christmas, I have been seeing old friends that I haven't seen for a few months and on a few occasions they have asked me if I have lost weight and another friend said I look pale! This really isn't the best thing a hypochondriac should hear. I have a huge appetite and eat a lot of food so I can't understand why I should have lost weight. I haven't weighed myself for at least three months and I'm almost too scared to now...

I really wish I didn't have something else to worry about, especially at a time of year when I should be relaxing and having fun. :weep:

20-12-13, 13:45
A few months ago, before I started trying to lose weight, I was asked by many friends if I had lost weight. I'd actually put on loads! People aren't great at judging these things. And I suspect people sometimes say it to compliment us even if they don't think it's true.

Or maybe you're just looking a bit different at the mo - new mascara, haircut, nicer skin - and they can't put their finger on what it is so they are going with "weight loss"

Or maybe you've not eaten as much as you thought or have been using a lot of nervous energy and lost a few pounds. No biggie

20-12-13, 22:14
Thanks Katesa.