View Full Version : The Difference

20-12-13, 13:25
I've been hanging here for a while and I've read quite a bit. I can say I've seen just about everything concerning fears and worries but I'm sure there will be more.

I had a few things come up this week that probably would have sent many into a huge tail spin but I dealt with it and I'm fine. The difference is these were real physical issues.

First was last weekend. Last Saturday, I had a severe itch on my foot. I thought it was a "hot spot". I had them before and didn't think much of it. Later that day I took off my sock and my foot was all read, radiated from my pinky toe out. It was swollen, hurt and itched horribly. There was a huge blister between my toes as well. I thought it had to be a spider bite. I didn't panic but I sure worried for a bit. So I treated it with OTC remedies. A antibacterial gel and anti itch cream. It started getting better and now it's gone.

What would you have done?

Two days ago, I came down the stairs and felt a twinge of pain in my knee. No biggie, I'm old and get aches and pains ;) By the end of the day it hurt more. I didn't bang it and it wasn't swollen but it was a little red. By yesterday it was hurting more and by last night it was excruciating! I'm talking a 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 (and believe me I know pain!). The only visible thing was a little redness on my knee cap. I sat in my chair last night with an ice pack. I was baffled. What the hell could this be?? I was thinking I probably should call the doctor on this one. My gf suggested that maybe it's gout. I do have it and get it in my left foot sometimes (side effect from cancer treatment) and this was my left knee. So I took the meds my MO (medical oncologist) gave me for gout and by this morning it was a little better. I looked up gout in the knee and sure enough, you can get it in the knee cap! I never knew that. I'll take the meds today and I'm sure it will ease up. I'll drop an email to my MO to confirm but I'm 100% sure that's what it is.

What would you have done?

Both these examples are/were actual physical symptoms with a cause/reason. Everyone here get's actual physical symptoms and with very, very few exceptions, the cause/reason is anxiety. If you could do something to treat it and eliminate the symptom, why wouldn't you?

Some folks are treating their illness and guess what? They feel better! HLove, Katesa, Tanner, Skippy, Andria, Chris and several others are shining examples of what can be done if you try. It's hard work but worth the effort..... They made the effort and actually treated their symptoms. That's the difference! Had I not used common sense and reason, I would have been in the ER or at the doctor's office. By rationalizing and not panicking, I'm fine. (believe me I was truly worried) There are ways to learn how to manage your anxiety available to you at no cost. Some may have to seek help to do it but why wouldn't you at least try if it was available?

What will you do?

Positive thoughts

20-12-13, 13:32
Brilliant post Fishmanpa with much food for thought.

Thank you for using me as an example of the light side of the force lol. (I also recommend people read cpe1978's posts for an example of how far somebody can go in a few months - from pee threads to posting only to support others)

Frankly, I think that if somebody who really did have something sinister can do this then anybody here can too. It just takes work.

20-12-13, 13:34
Great post Fishmanpa (Not great that you have had some health issues this week but pleased you have them sorted). One of my friends gets gout in his knee joint and I know he says it is VERY painful so I hope yours clears soon. Merry Christmas Fishmanpa :)

20-12-13, 14:21
Thank you ladies :)

I know some may be thinking "But he doesn't have HA. What's does he know?" True, I don't, but I do and have suffered from some depression and I have to work on my attitude every single day, especially after the serious illnesses I've experienced. It's work but it's worth every effort!

Positive thoughts

20-12-13, 17:46
Bumpity bump.

Also, I'd like to think nobody would be ungrateful enough to think that FMP

20-12-13, 22:37
Awesome post, Fishmanpa. It should give everyone a great deal to think about pertaining to how we handle physical symptoms. I know that posts like this, success stories, have helped me immensely. I must say I'm honored to even be mentioned in the same league as Kate, HoneyLove, Skippy, Chris and Andrea. When I first got here, it was their posts, along with yours, that made me so determined to join them on the road to recovery. You are an inspiration!

21-12-13, 00:55
Great post Fishmanpa (Not great that you have had some health issues this week but pleased you have them sorted). One of my friends gets gout in his knee joint and I know he says it is VERY painful so I hope yours clears soon. Merry Christmas Fishmanpa :)

Thanks Annie :) Keep up the good work ya hear? My best to you and yours this Christmas. Let's make it a healthy and happy New Year full of joy and blessings!

Positive thoughts