View Full Version : Massive MS fear

20-12-13, 14:23
I've had Health anxiety and depression for a good few years now and whilst these fears were generally centred around Brain tumours/schizophrenia it's now sadly turned to MS.

My grandad died from MS before I was born but i'd never really thought about it that much since my parents are both healthy and I assumed it wasn't hereditary. I have the massive fatigue although it doesn't really stop me doing stuff, just means I have to put a little more motivation into things, it's got so bad recently and although I work full time and go to college, I can normally manage this without being too tired, recently however everything feels like a total drag. I do have the pins and needles and numbness, mabye i've been noticing it more recently since I'm internalising, again, I just put this down as something that happened to me, pretty much assumed it was benign. co-ordination still seems okay, I feel dizzy now and again, can still write/play guitar without many problems.

One of the main concerns is the memory and depression, I've spent so long thinking all my symptoms were some early warning sign of schizophrenia but after being assured otherwise by mental health professionals, I've started to think of other possibilities. I can still do excersize, lift weights, run, etc, vision seems pretty okay, had an eye test recently too in which they said my vision was absolutely perfect. I understand that in it's early stages it may not affect all this but i'm still worried.

Just looking for some reassurance really, want to get a doctor's appointment booked for after christmas but in the meantime I need something positive to latch onto to help me through christmas, are there any tests I can do to prove I don't have it, like balance, memory etc?


20-12-13, 15:00
Hi Alex,

I'm sorry to hear about your Granddad but let me assure you, as somebody who has MS, it does not kill you. Yes, sometimes the life expectancy is a bit lower but it is not a terminal illness.

Now, I only found out I had MS because I went to the doctors about something entirely different. She noticed the red flags and referred me to a Neuro. If you go through my post history you can read all about it.

I don't think you have MS for many reasons but if you are at all worried, go see your GP. And again, I am living a perfectly happy and normal life and believe my specialists who say this does not kill people.

20-12-13, 15:24
Thanks for getting back to me, MS for me just has quite a few negative connotations from what my gran/mam have told me so that's why I have such a negative outlook on it.
I'm glad things are going well for you and naturally I hope I don't have it, How did you find about it? what were your initial symptoms? Sorry if I'm touching on anything personal. Just searching for some reassurance.

20-12-13, 15:51
The problem with me listing symptoms hon is that you will then start to worry if you get anything at all resembling it.

If you want to see how I got diagnosed and some vague symptoms discussion, this is my thread - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=144802 (last post has the most detail)

I understand that naturally nobody wants any illess -I sure as hell don't either! But so many people are terrified of MS because they think it will kill them and that's not the case

20-12-13, 15:59
With the best will in the world, finding out what Katie's early symptoms were isn't going to help you one jot, and I always find it a bit distasteful when someone who has a fear of a condition asks someone who actually has it what their experience is. Firstly it implies that it is something to be feared whereas I have heard Katie refer to it as a life inconvenience and we will all face those at some point. But also, what if Katie was really bothered?

Anyway to the point. The only place you are likely to get reassurance is your GP and in honesty if you are genuinely concerned then you should pay them a visit.

Ironically my HA relates to neurological conditions and Katie and I have chatted about this before I knew she had MS. I don't specifically know what the early signs of MS are, and I am not particularly sure I want to but everyone with HA needs to make a resolution to visit their dr if they feel off colour, but not to hunt out symptoms and sensations. I call it re calibrating my relationship with my health.

20-12-13, 16:01
With the best will in the world, finding out what Katie's early symptoms were isn't going to help you one jot, and I always find it a bit distasteful when someone who has a fear of a condition asks someone who actually has it what their experience is. Firstly it implies that it is something to be feared whereas I have heard Katie refer to it as a life inconvenience and we will all face those at some point. But also, what if Katie was really bothered?

Anyway to the point. The only place you are likely to get reassurance is your GP and in honesty if you are genuinely concerned then you should pay them a visit.

Ironically my HA relates to neurological conditions and Katie and I have chatted about this before I knew she had MS. I don't specifically know what the early signs of MS are, and I am not particularly sure I want to but everyone with HA needs to make a resolution to visit their dr if they feel off colour, but not to hunt out symptoms and sensations. I call it re calibrating my relationship with my health.

:bighug1: Thank you.

And the only neurological condition you have is batpoo crazy disease.

20-12-13, 16:08
I think I demonstrated that yesterday with my general awesomeness on the squash court ;)

But actually on a serious note, your reaction made me question how I would react and I very much hope it would be in a similar way. Thinking hard about that for quite some time made me lose my fear somewhat and convert it into a 'I would deal with it' to then essentially forgetting it was a fear in the first place.

Still rears its head occasionally like the other day but for the most part it has disappeared.


20-12-13, 16:13
With the best will in the world, finding out what Katie's early symptoms were isn't going to help you one jot, and I always find it a bit distasteful when someone who has a fear of a condition asks someone who actually has it what their experience is. Firstly it implies that it is something to be feared whereas I have heard Katie refer to it as a life inconvenience and we will all face those at some point. But also, what if Katie was really bothered?

Anyway to the point. The only place you are likely to get reassurance is your GP and in honesty if you are genuinely concerned then you should pay them a visit.

Ironically my HA relates to neurological conditions and Katie and I have chatted about this before I knew she had MS. I don't specifically know what the early signs of MS are, and I am not particularly sure I want to but everyone with HA needs to make a resolution to visit their dr if they feel off colour, but not to hunt out symptoms and sensations. I call it re calibrating my relationship with my health.

I apologise, I understand it's a very touchy subject and I don't want to seem ignorant, I'm just feeling in a bit of a bad place about this, perhaps wasn't my place to ask.

I've just booked a doctors appointment to give me some resolution and clarity into this whole situation.

20-12-13, 16:22
To be fair Chris, in the great lottery of Neurological conditions, MS is comparatively the jackpot. I don't know what my reaction would have been had I had one of the really awful ones - probably be posting one hell of a lot of poo threads.

Ferry - It's ok, everyone with HA has crossed the line in to inappropriate at times (except CP who is too much of a gent) including me. When the fear gets us, it's hard to look out. I'm sure you don't actually have MS but what I would say is that I personally found being in the grips of HA far more scary and debilitating than MS.

20-12-13, 16:33
I apologise, I understand it's a very touchy subject and I don't want to seem ignorant, I'm just feeling in a bit of a bad place about this, perhaps wasn't my place to ask.

I've just booked a doctors appointment to give me some resolution and clarity into this whole situation.

Ferry - sorry I didn't mean to be critical I do genuinely understand what HA drives us to. I have never even admitted half the crazy rubbish I did to reassure myself.

I think visiting the GP is a good idea - make sure you discuss your anxiety too though eh? ;)

21-12-13, 17:21
Feeling pretty awful today anyway physically again so I've booked myself an appointment with the GP right after Christmas, just a couple of weeks to make it through!