View Full Version : Chest X Ray results - I'm in the clear!!!!!!

20-12-13, 14:52
Hi all,

I am on such a high right now.

I got a call from my GP's surgery asking if I could pop in about my chest x ray - that they couldn't tell me on the phone but if I could pop in for a moment they could have a chat (I only live a minutes walk away)

Well, I only had the x ray Wednesday PM and with how overworked the NHS is, I didn't expect the results back yet unless it was sinister. Plus the fact they called me so soon scared the hell out of me, I admit it.

However, when I got there, "Holly" the receptionist said she was happy to let me know that it was all clear and that Dr Kidy (my doctor) had asked her to bring me in to let me know. I tried to say how grateful I was but then my Doctor appeared in reception with a bunch of papers, came up to me and said "I wouldn't have made sure you found out today if you hadn't been trying so hard with things, I'd have left it till Monday"

So effing happy guys.

Thank you all for your support and help it means so much x

20-12-13, 14:55
Let me just say you handled this whole thing incredibly well. Good for you and Merry Christmas.

(Pssst... told ya so ;) )

Positive thoughts

Wanted to add you've done so incredibly well! One look at your posts almost a year ago until now are night and day! Dealing with MS and other issues has shown just how far you've come. then how you're paying it forward here is a testament to what can be done if you work hard.

20-12-13, 14:55
Great news Katesa...really happy for you. What a great early Christmas present :)

20-12-13, 15:00
Ditto - now go and eat, drink, be merry and spoil your boys rotten!

20-12-13, 15:03
Thank you guys means a lot.

I feel like I have a real new slate now.

20-12-13, 15:09
well done on how you handled all of this

20-12-13, 15:48
That's really good news Kate, glad to hear it - now you can really relax into the holidays :) x

20-12-13, 15:58
Thank you Honeylove!!

Thank you MrAndy - glad you think I handled it well. Believe me, internally I was cacking it now and then :D

20-12-13, 16:27
Fantastic news but think how you have handled the whole thing deserves a huge pat on the back.

How nice of your GP to let you know so quickly.

Well done honey you can relax and get on with things now.

20-12-13, 17:48
Yay! So happy you are in the clear, and inspired by how you were working through the HA head on!

I'm a bit of a newbie, but like to follow your posts and respect your opinions that I've read..... :)

20-12-13, 17:52
Hi Katesa,
I'm new to this site and this is only my 4th post. Just wanted to say I'm very pleased for you, as I have been reading your recent posts about your x-ray and was concerned for you.
I also wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your replies/advice to other people. You come across as so rational and clear-headed and always make me feel better.
How did you get over your HA?
I have had 6 sessions of CBT which didn't really help that much as the counsellor wasn't really au fait with HA, just general anxiety. As I paid privately I feel like I should wait a while before trying again.
I have just downloaded the CBT4Panic books from this site. Have you used these?
Any help would be appreciated :)

20-12-13, 18:05
Aw thank you so much guys. You're going to give me a swollen ego!

Pomchi - I'm not completely over it yet hon, I still have wobbles. I just manage them a lot better and they don't take over my life.

The first thing I did was really want to get better. Sounds silly, but that took some time! A number of wonderful people on here got me to that point, through kindness, encouragement and the odd bitch slap (Brunette once asked me "why would you believe us when you don't listen to your doctors?" - sure made me think!)

I found somebody on here who was at the same stage of wanting to get better but feeling frightened and daunted and we became kind of recovery buddies (and are now mates) and booked myself in to psychotherapy. Psychotherapy isn't for everyone but I wanted to understand why I was the way I am and now have a much better understanding of myself. The online CBT really helped too.

I took up yoga and learned about breathing techniques and meditation after help from honeylove (another person on here) and make myself spend at least twenty minutes on them a day. I read posts by fishmanpa, skippy, andria, Chris, honeylove, mrandy, tanner and many many more to keep myself inspired.

The biggest challenge was stopping the googling/test chasing and accepting that there are no guarantees in life - that the flipside to "very very unlikely to have this disease" is "there is a tiny possibility". And then realising that the idea of getting to 80 and having missed out on my marriage and quality time with my baby because of imaginary illnesses was worse than a real illness. I accepted that I may die tomorrow, and that would suck - but I'd want my last day to be one where I am focusing on those I love, not my own fears.

Hope that rambling made sense.

20-12-13, 18:14
Ah, thank you so much for that reply hunny. I would be happy to get to the stage where I just get the odd wobble. At present my HA is quite high, but I am doing things to help. I go to yoga and meditation and they always make me feel better.
I also read posts by most of the people you mentioned every day. They all come across as so sensible and 'together', although that might not be the case!
It's always good to read success stories, makes me realize we can all get there in the end! x

20-12-13, 18:28
You will hon!

And you deserve a huge amount of respect for trying to crawl out of the hellish pit that is HA x

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

I just want to add this guys.

It may sound really really weird and not make sense. But, I am getting pain in my shoulder and chest again (the thing that first started the lung cancer fear months ago, well before I coughed blood up) and you know what?

I'm ENJOYING them!!! Sounds completely nuts but they are a reminder that these things happen for no damn reason (or one that matters) and I'm enjoying having that reinforced having so recently having the sinister cause completely ruled out by professionals.

Yeah, er....."they're coming to take me away ha ha"

20-12-13, 18:29
Ithink the idea of finding someone on the site who is maybe a newbie like me and at the same stage of HA would be brilliant.

Sometimes a big problem with HA is that I feel so isolated and people close to me don't really 'get it' when I try to explain how I feel.

How did you do this?

20-12-13, 18:36
Well, I hope he won't mind me naming him but Chris was posting in a similar way to me - asking for reassurance but kind of embarassed by it, wanting to get better but afraid of missing a "real" illness. He posted a thread asking if it was safe to start treating the anxiety and letting go of the physical fears (after checking with the doctor). I said I would if he did and we figured it was unlikely that we'd both get some awful illness and we just started e-mailing back and forth.

It was brilliant to have contact with somebody who fully understood. We didn't really do reassurance but we did empathy. He helped me a huge amount and I truly don't think I'd be as far on my journey without him (my husband will be sending him a cheque soon)

Just keep your eye out for people looking to try to recover and talk to them. Until you find your "buddy" though, feel free to contact me, ok?

20-12-13, 18:37
Ok, will do and thanks so much again.

I feel better already! x

20-12-13, 18:40
Big big big congrats now you can truly enjoy your Christmas xz

20-12-13, 18:43
You're so welcome Pomchi! I know I can come across as a bit of a harsh battleaxe but underneath it I do genuinely feel so much for people in the grips of HA and really respect anyone even tentatively trying to get better.

Thanks so much Rebecca!

20-12-13, 19:04
Firstly Katie - that is such a lovely thing to say. I would make the same point that I don't think I would be where I am without our early conversations so I think your husband's debt is balanced by my wife's :).

Pomchi - do you know what? I think you have made the first step where you say, 'I feel better already'. Bottle that feeling recognise the victory and identify what you did to make yourself feel better. Then do it again. That becomes tool 1 in your growing armoury of weapons to combat HA.

The other thing I would say is that even in the short time I have been here, the tone of this forum has changed and is much more focused on recovery from anxiety rather than simple reassurance about symptoms. There are some genuinely inspirational people on here that should give you optimism that improvement is more than possible.

The other advice I would give you that works for me is to have a plan. There is a whole host of tools you can use to start to feel better and having the discipline to do them is a good idea. I am only on my iPhone right now so my thumbs won't take typing it all out, but I have made a few posts where I have tried to pull together the things that have helped me improve. It is only my opinion but seems to resonate with some folks.

Remember tho - we all are here for you. There is a limit to how much symptom reassurance we can offer but we have oodles of support for people wanting to recover from anxiety so you are not alone.

20-12-13, 19:25
Hi cpe1978, thank you for your lovely reply.

It's strange but I have only been on here about an hour, and I feel so much better than before I came on. Just talking to others in the same situation makes me feel less isolated.

I actually don't come on here for reassurance, mainly because I am scared if I put up my symptoms someone will say "oh yes, that could be cancer"! Mad, I know.

I like reading about people's recovery and success stories. It's so much better than just feeling doom and gloom all the time (although sometimes I can't avoid this).

I agree with you, I think I do need a plan as sometimes I feel like I am trying everything and maybe not focusing enough on any one thing - a bit of overload. So will try that next.

It's so nice knowing there are people like you and Katesa who will help me.

Thanks again :)

20-12-13, 19:27
Fab! You're doing so well, hope you have a fantastic Christmas x

20-12-13, 19:31
If I can be of any help at all it would be a pleasure. It is the only reason I hang around here really to see if there is anything I can do to help people who are as miserable as I was only a short time ago.

Oh that and to discuss poo threads with Fishmanpa (long story).

20-12-13, 19:34
Okayyy, I probably shouldn't ask about that! lol :D

20-12-13, 19:34
It may sound really really weird and not make sense. But, I am getting pain in my shoulder and chest again (the thing that first started the lung cancer fear months ago, well before I coughed blood up) and you know what?

I'm ENJOYING them!!! Sounds completely nuts but they are a reminder.....

It's not nuts... When I was into body building, I came to enjoy the pain. Pain sends endorphins into the body which are like a natural high. If I didn't feel at least a little sore the next day after a workout, I felt I didn't work hard enough ;) Hmmmm that does sound a little crazy upon reading it back ~lol~

Positive thoughts

20-12-13, 20:49
pomchi, you will find a LOAD of people on this forum who are willing to help in any way we can. I'm not quite as far into recovery as the others.... they are how we all aim to be :) but I'm always around if you ever need a chat or a rant or a vent... or dare I say it, the dreaded reassurance!!!!!
That made me smile when you said you're too scared to post your symptoms in case someone says its bad. I was sooooo like that!! I would write at the end of my posts begging for reassurance 'PLEASE DONT TELL ME ANYTHING BAD' or something equally as stupid!!

Good luck :)

20-12-13, 21:08
Okayyy, I probably shouldn't ask about that! lol :D

See - easy eh? Smiling already.

20-12-13, 22:31
Way to go, Kate! Now you can enjoy your Christmas with your family. You handled this beautifully and continue to be an inspiration.

20-12-13, 23:00
Aww that is good news so pleased your ok ,I read some of your posts you should be so proud of yourself you have come along way xx keep going :D

20-12-13, 23:47
Thanks so much to everybody - this is one hell of a great group.

And to echo Chris - if anybody ever needs to chat, or if I can give any sort of help, feel free to PM me. I can't guarantee wisdom but I can guarantee I won't tell you you have cancer :D

21-12-13, 07:20
Aw, thanks so much everyone (Chris, Hanging basket, Katesa et all). I cannot believe how much better I feel just for talking to other people on this site.
Sometimes I think I spend way too much time in my own head! And that's not such a good place to be at the moment !

Hope everyone has a good weekend

21-12-13, 07:36
Great news Katesa now have a wonderful christmas Simi