View Full Version : Scared to take tooth infection Antibiotics due to cardiac risk

20-12-13, 16:25
Hi guys,

Bit of history, from 2008 until now I have had severe health anxiety. It started when I had chest pain that I thought was cardiac related. Over the period of 2008-2012 I had 30+ ECGs and an ECHO. Safe to say, my heart is fine.

My anxiety was practically cured this year (or so I thought).

Now, I have a boil on my gum that is filled with pus. I went to the doctor who said it is infected. She prescribed me erythromycin (anti-biotic) as I am allergic to penicillin.

I have always had a big fear of medicine after I learned about anaphylactic shock. I googled my drug and discovered that it is well known in the medcial community that this drug raises the risk of sudden death 2-5 times due to abnormal heartbeats that it can cause (prolongs QT).

I can not now stand to take this drug anymore, so I only took my first tablet. I am supposed to take 4 a day for 5 days.

I am scared because on the one hand, I read that even doctors say that a tooth abscess infection can spread to the brain/heart and kill you (although rare I think). But also, this drug can kill you via abnormal heart beats, although rare too. It's a catch 22!

I dont really know what I expect anyone to say to me in response. I just know that I'm scared!

Does anyone have any similar experiences?

Anyone ever not taken antibiotics for infection and lived to tell the tale (lol).

Love this site! Been lurking for a long time.

20-12-13, 16:37
Anyone ever not taken antibiotics for infection and lived to tell the tale (lol).

All of us I think! :D

Hon, I don't research things that can go wrong through drugs too much because frankly, I have to take so many for various conditions that I'd get very poorly if I refused to take them.

I'm sure a poster on here, fishmanpa, didn't consider not having treatment for cancer because of the possible risks.

Your doctor is the trained medical professional who spent years and years qualifying. He knows whatever risks they are and has advised you to take them. I'd go with him.

There are scare stories all over but how many articles do you see about the billions of people who take antibiotics and get better with no problems?

Welcome to the board by the way hon.

20-12-13, 16:56

I googled it too and found nothing like that. It's one of the safest antibiotics on the market.

Positive thoughts

20-12-13, 17:30
I have just joined the site, I have been given this antibiotic for years,
its the best one for dental problems. its as safe as houses. i.e. no probs. for heart
You will find they will heal it up fast for you.
Annie :)

20-12-13, 17:36
I took the same antibiotic after a tooth extraction and was fine. Any side effects are VERY rare and may not even exist. I would much rather take the antibiotic than suffer the infection.

20-12-13, 19:33
I'm on this antibiotic. I think they say that on pretty much every packet of tablets don't they? I never read the side effects because then I'd never take anything.

Though now I'm thinking twice about taking mine lol!

22-12-13, 20:33
The risk of sudden cardiac death as a result of prolonged repolarization primarily applies to patients who are taking erythromycin concurrently with strong inhibitors of CYP3A. You can find a list of these medications at the bottom of this wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CYP3A4.

That's all very technical, but it's basically why docs ask what meds you're taking before they prescribe anything new. Drug interactions can be scary things, but on its own, erythromycin doesn't significantly increase your risk of sudden cardiac death. I know it's super hard once you've read something that's gotten you scared, but millions of people take this medication and they're fine. You're right, the risk of a gum issue spreading through the bloodstream is small, but it's still something to consider. If you can take the antibiotics, I would. So sorry you're struggling with this - I know the feeling so well! I hope you feel better soon.

23-12-13, 09:22
I'm just like you! I had a tooth infection last year and was prescribed erythromycin as I can't have penicillin either. I've never had a problem with erythromycin but this time she prescribed double dose for the duration rather than the normal first dose only. I had awful stomach cramps and nausea so the chemist said go back to normal dose and I was fine. It's really important you take them or you will make your problem worse. I really sympathise with you as I am scared of meds too and once you've reacted to something you imagine you'll react to anything and everything. 'Imagine' being the key word! All part of our anxiety condition. Hope you feel better soon x

23-12-13, 11:57
If you've had 30 ECGs and an echo that all say your heart is fine, then there is almost no chance an erythromycin antibiotic will cause life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances. Even if it disturbed your rhythm, you could quickly discontinue.

I say this as someone who does have heart rhythm disturbances (age 60 - atrial flutter and fibrillation). I've learned to live with it, and don't really think or worry too much about it.

23-12-13, 12:06
Gone To Soon, a post near and dear to my heart. I have been medication phobic for many years and I always do the worst thing possible when prescribed a medication. I google it and immediately see only the rarest and worst side effects. I definitely understand your fear. Out of all the times that I have been scared to take a tablet, I have never once been harmed by one. Hope that this helps.