View Full Version : Can't sleep and it's driving me crazy :(

20-12-13, 17:58
I'm a 25 year old guy who's suffered with anxiety and depression for about 5 years now. I've been working nights for 2 years and I really struggle with my sleep which in turn makes me feel a lot worse, it's almost as if my mind won't switch off and allow me to sleep, sometimes I lay there tossing and turning even when I know I'm tired but I just can't sleep. I work from 10pm till 4am on most night and usually only sleep for 3-4 hours before I'm up again and feel awful the next day. Is there anything I can do to help with this? I've tried herbal teas and Nytol but I am on Seroxat and am not sure what I can mix with that

Any help would be greatly appreciated

David Don
20-12-13, 22:38

I understand how frustrating this must be for you. I also have trouble sleeping when I am really anxious. My first instinct was to suggest nytol, at least to get your sleep pattern back.

But with the fact that you have already tried medications, other methods will be required. As you working different shifts also makes your biological clock a bit out of whack. But that does not make it impossible to get a good sleep.

I will suggest you trying to relax as much as possible at bed time. I find it helps me to listen to relaxation music, or a hypnotic tape to calm my mind.

Try and deal with the underlying anxiety. Speak to your doctor if you haven't already. Look up on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and learn the techniques. Remember worry is a habit, and like most habits will take a while to change. So be compassionate with yourself.
Be positive about sleep time and tell yourself you "will sleep well, you will be refreshed, your mind will be calm and peaceful". Basically interrupt the usual chatter with something more positive. Be persistent with it and try believe it. Trust me with a bit of faith it works.

Wish you all the best and a good sleep tonight and the next few days.

See: Articles-glovesoff