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20-12-13, 20:50
Hi there, I'm not sure where I rate on the scale of panic attacks but I just wanted somewhere I could come to see what others were experiencing and not feel alone with this. Even as I type this message my hands are shaking and my whole body is completely tense but I have no idea why except that I put the kids to bed and then started to become really conscious of how I was breathing and to my knowledge my heart rate hadn't changed in any way and yet I have started getting pins and needles in my hands and I know part of me is thinking there is some problem with my heart but the other half of me is saying I'm being stupid and that's not the case. I can tell myself over and over that I'm experiencing a panic attack but it does nothing. I got my first one about 3 years ago and ended up calling NHS direct as I really thought I had something serious wrong with me - I was sitting on the sofa with my legs unable to stop shaking and then I had to revert to pacing up and down for about 2 hours. After that all was fine and I got the odd one every once in a while but not nearly as bad. Since about 2 months ago I now experience these every day and often spend the whole day feeling like I have adrenaline constantly pumping round my body but have no idea why. They now flare up in any stressful situation e.g. I had an argument with husband and immediately afterwards I had very bad palpitations and uncontrollable shaking and just felt like I could not get enough air. Also on my train journey to and from work I have had to get off the train -I try to read a book or something to distract myself but this tends to make it worse. I have just been referred by the doctor for cognitive behavioural therapy so I'm hoping to hear back about this soon as it really is life changing and scary to think that I cannot control when these are going to occur. I have two children and even though I have never had a full blown attack while they have been with me it scares me to think that they might see me like it since they are getting more and more frequent. Anyway that's my story at the moment - hope everyone else out there is coping okay.x

blue moon
21-12-13, 10:48
Hi Cara.Welcome to NMP,hope you enjoy the articles,games and make friends along the way,as I have done.

Love Petra :D

21-12-13, 13:29
Welcome to the forum Cara, not long joined myself. seem to be a nice
group of people, your situations sound very scary for you. Hugs.

21-12-13, 13:44
Hi Cara, sound like classic panic attacks and good to you for recognizing it. I think that you will many people who understand what you are going through on here. I found that if you're willing to do the work and listen to others on here, recovery becomes easier. I find it helpful to begin to build myself a tool chest of coping techniques that work for others and diligently use them on a daily basis. Good luck on your journey.