View Full Version : Car Wreck

20-12-13, 22:55
Today felt more like Friday the 13th than last week. And yes I am superstitious. Woke up feeling great for the fifth day in a row, and yes, I am counting. It feels too good not to count.

Got in my car and headed for work, singing along with the radio, even though I can't carry a tune. Nice to feel like singing again. Looking at my phone while I'm driving, like a crazy woman, and bam, plowed into the SUV in front of me.

Damage to my car and had to have it towed. Damage to the poor woman's car that I hit. So what does this have to do with HA?

Two months ago I would have been at the hospital ER (American version of A&E). I would have thought that my stiff neck was a sign that I was going to die. I would have been certain that I had internal injuries that were horrid. I would have worried all day over every small ache and pain,

Today, thanks to this forum's good folks and my hard work, I handled all of this beautifully. I slowed down my breathing, due to a perfectly normal burst of adrenaline. I put an immediate stop to any anxiety, realizing that the anxiety that I did feel was normal after an auto accident.

I was able to call the police to report the accident; call the tow truck for my vehicle; make sure that the woman in the vehicle I hit was okay; call my insurance company; deal with the police officer that was called to the scene; call one of my employees to come and get me; call my boss and let her know that I was running late.

I, then, went to work and had a productive day. Two months ago, this would have ruined my entire weekend. Today, I didn't let it ruin one hour of my day. I will say that I will never play with my phone while driving again. :winks:

Thanks to each of you on here that has helped me to make a day like today possible. Fishmanpa, Kate, Chris, Skippy, HoneyLove, each of your posts made this day possible. Thanks for that!

20-12-13, 23:13
Hey Tanner, I'm really sorry to hear that this happened to you :(

It'd be no surprise if it really phased you, but it sounds like you handled it all very smoothly. You should be very proud of yourself, that would have been a challenging situation for any person and even moreso for someone who has anxiety issues, so well done.

You might find yourself a bit stiff and sore after it, so I hope you're not feeling too bad x

20-12-13, 23:16
Thanks HoneyLove. Actually I'm fine and feeling good. Just wanted to share with folks that are struggling, so that they know what is possible. Three months ago, this would have been a disaster. Today, I'm just thankful for how far I've come.

20-12-13, 23:20
Oh Tanner!

Well I'm sorry you had an accident but sweetheart, what an inspiration you are! Really, I wish I could condense the posts detailing your journey and show them to every new person on here.

Wonderful, wonderful work hon.

Are you finding that your relationship is improving? Sorry if that's nosy, but although my husband has always been the love of my life and wonderful, I've found that since I started improving, we have been an even better couple.

Well done again babe x

20-12-13, 23:24
Thanks Kate! You've certainly been a huge part of my inspiration and recovery. I am very proud of the way that I handled the events of the day.

As for my relationship, absolutely it is improving. I find that we are closer than we have been in a long time. We are laughing together again. I think she would pay money to NMP! Thanks for asking as it made me think of another area in which life has improved.

20-12-13, 23:27
And you are definitely a part of mine hon. Thank YOU for alll your support lately.

I asked because I only really thought about it myself lately. I suddenly remembered "wow, this person really makes me laugh.......I'd forgotten!" :D

20-12-13, 23:33
Amazing how we can forget the things that we love about someone when we are so self absorbed, isn't it? Thanks goodness for small steps in recovery.

20-12-13, 23:35

This thread has really made my night (what can I say, my husband's away!).

So utterly RAHYAH-SQUUEEE* for you

*not a real world but captures the sentiment

20-12-13, 23:37
I'm literally sitting here laughing out loud at you. Feels good.

21-12-13, 00:07
Wait, you're finding me funny?

Man, I was sure I hadn't been drinking today. ;-)

21-12-13, 00:10
Holy Guacamole! First off I'm glad you're Ok and it's awesome the way you handled things!

Sorry about the car...

Now... If you ever play with your phone again while driving, I'll personally track you down and bitch slap it out of your hands! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

21-12-13, 00:27
I'm going to hold you personally accountable to that promise, Fishmanpa. I know better. What a stupid thing to do, but hey, I'm not beating myself up over it. The car is a Nissan Pathfinder that's been paid off for 5 years. I'm hoping to drive it until the wheels fall off. Hopefully, they didn't fall off today.