View Full Version : Confused

21-12-13, 08:19
I experience a range of things with my anxiety. Sometimes I have panic attacks where I hyperventilate (sometimes noisily) & end up almost switching off from the world, all the voices around me become louder but it's like I'm not completely in my body, a bit zoned out.

At other times it feels like I've been hit by a hot wave, my mouth goes dry, my mind goes to jelly, I want to run away but my feet are glued to the floor, my heart feels like it's beating so loudly others could hear it and I feel like someone is suffocating me. ( in response to a specific stress)

Then there's the time I have the dry mouth, pounding heart etc but I go very very cold and can't stop shivering or get warm. I normally end up with diarrhea and need to go several times before it ends. ( this is normally in response to a specific stress)

Sometimes (normally) I feel flustered, can't think properly and my breathing speeds up, I can normally calm myself eventually before it gets worse.

Generally I worry constantly about just about everything.

Anyway I'm new to this & don't know if these are all forms of panic attack of something else. I'm not new to these symptoms, but new to admitting them to anyone. Xxx

21-12-13, 13:25
Hi Relda,

It was brave of you to post. Many do not and suffer in silence rather than reaching out. There are a lot of really nice people all in the same or similar situation here to help.

What you describe are quite common symptoms of anxiety and panic. If you read through the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page you'll see all that you described in your post.

Check out this link: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=140300
It's a FREE CBT course that many here have had success with. I don't suffer from anxiety and I downloaded it and find several of the techniques helpful for my situation. I believe you'll be nodding your head in agreement as you read through it as it accurately describes what's going on when you feel panicked and stressed.

Positive thoughts

21-12-13, 13:45
Thank you for replying, I will check out the link.

21-12-13, 13:53
Relda, great job posting and talking about you're going through. I've never read a better description of what a panic attack feels like. That should tell you it is purely anxiety. I find it very helpful to learn to accept the anxiety and find that it will pass. It's not easy and it takes practice but it does work. The less you examine the symptoms and dwell on them, the easier it becomes. Good luck on your journey. You can do this.

21-12-13, 14:18
Thank you Tanner. I'm terrible at over thinking my symptoms, will try to stop.

21-12-13, 23:24
Hi I am not new here or to panic attacks I could not have wrote that any better I feel all that you wrote and could never find away to put it all down you did a great job coming here does help when you see you are not alone take care Trish x

22-12-13, 00:43
Thank you Trish, you're right, it helps just to know you're not alone.

22-12-13, 01:28
Have you read this page:


22-12-13, 02:22
A good tip to remember is that it's not so much the physical symptoms that's the main issue; it's the way to react to them. I would also check out the "Health Anxiety" section when you get a chance.

22-12-13, 08:17
Hi Nicola, thank you for the link, I can relate to sooo much of it.

SLjimbo, I don't react very well to the symptoms, I try & stay mindful but the power of the worry overwhelms me, & absorbs any rational thoughts I try to have.