View Full Version : I think I have muscular dystrophy cant swallow

21-12-13, 08:20
I have had awful symptoms predominantly associated with my heart over the past year. I get FREQUENT palpitations and a very fast heart rate. All havebeen checked so far ive been told Ihave a structurally nnormal heart but it fires off lots of pvcs (ectopic beats) and is fast. Still awaiting some test results.

Over the past 2years ive had A LOT of blood tests due to me running to a&e a aLot. Every test has been ok apart from my creatinine, which has always been low, very low at times. Unless ive eaten a big meal its so low. When ive looked this up it says its a sign of decreased muscle mass, so muscular dystrophy and something called myasthenia gravis are what is cited as the possible causes. I am so scared. I have had pains in my legs and lower back for two yrs and more recently all up my spine in my neck mostly. However yesterday I was at a&e again after a very scary episode where I very suddenly started choking. My heart went up to 150bpm and I almost fainted. I felt like my throat was closing up amd my chest muscles were completely seizing up. Its been like that since. I feel like I have a conker stuck in my throat and my chest is so so tight. At a&e they ruled out a heart attack and sent me on my way. I feel they dont listen to me as ive been there too often. They kept saying its the anxiety. When I got home my chest was still so very tight and my throat feels lile its closed up. This is REALLY happening and is so uncomfortable.

I was ok in my sleep but as soon as I woke up this morning I noticed it. Also getting long scary runs of ectopics too.
I cant help but think that its too coincidental to have such low creatinine levels (have ranged from 20-40) and have pins and needles, numbness, aching limbs and now thos horrible throat and extreme chst tightness. Its muscular dystrophy qnd im dying I know it

Please please help.


21-12-13, 08:37
I can assure you that it is not muscular dystrophy. In my last job I cared for young people with this.You must stop googling symptoms.These are all symptons of anxiety and tension.

21-12-13, 08:50
annie I'm sorry. I just wonder what this is and the abnormality I have in my bloods is linked to it....or myasthenia gravis which is also similar. am so tired of this. I can barely swallow, my whole chest and throat has gone so tight and seized up. yesterday my heart rate was sohigh as I felt so short of breath and dizzy x

21-12-13, 08:54
Hi Charlottle, all of your symptoms can be attributed to anxiety and panic, even the tight throat and heart palpitations.

Have you talked to your doctor about these symptoms, or did you just go to a&e? And have you done anything to address the health anxiety side of things?

21-12-13, 08:59
I recently had an episode where I couldn't swallow properly for a week. Even eating soup was uncomfortable, I felt like my throat was closing up. It has passed now, so I know it wasn't anything really bad, but this time last week it felt like it would never go away. It was scary and I understand how you feel.

21-12-13, 09:00
Chaotte no need to say sorry I totally understand how your health anxiety started and this is what needs addressing. You have gone through a lot. I am on my phone at the moment and dont know how to do the hugs but sending some your way. I am going to work now but will message you later.

21-12-13, 11:23
Here's some help. Do a little reading and you'll begin to understand what, how and why this is happening to you and how to control it.


Positive thoughts