View Full Version : Alcohol

21-12-13, 09:00
I don't seem to be able to tolerate alcohol at all these days.

Stay away from it then you say. But its Christmas and I would like to enjoy a couple of beverages.

Went out last bought, had two shorts. Felt fine , not remotely drunk, not even anything really. Woke up this morning with a hangover?? After two drinks? This cannot be normal? But this happens every time. Am I allergic to alcohol, can my liver just not cope?

Does anyone else find this happen to them or am I just wierd?

21-12-13, 09:05
Some people are just more sensitive to alcohol than others, and you'll find that people with anxiety problems are often way more sensitive to its effects.

If you don't drink very often then it will have a stronger effect on you, and also the older we get the less we tolerate it and end up getting hangovers more often.

An alcohol allergy is extremely rare and doesn't really manifest in hangovers! Lol

Remember if you're stressed and your system is already taxed then alcohol will have a worse effect on you.

21-12-13, 09:09
It upsets me. I've got a busy day today so obviously limited myself last night as knew I had a lot to get done and now I've got a headache and generally feel awful.
I've tried drinking the odd drink at home to get my body a bit more used to it and I don't usually have a problem but when I've been out for a drink I always get a hangover :/ was looking forward to my Christmas Day couple glasses of wine :'(

21-12-13, 09:13
You can still have a couple of glasses of wine, but you just have to accept the way that it will make you feel afterwards. Feeling hungover is crappy, but it's manageable!

Just look after yourself by making sure you drink some water before you go to bed, then the next morning keep hydrated, have a vitamin b supplement like Berrocca and make sure to eat well so that your blood sugars aren't too low.

21-12-13, 09:22
Thanks HL. Always drunk loads of water anyway so no worries there. Have got quite a stuff neck today so could be contributing to the headache. Had some paracetamol...

21-12-13, 09:27
Yeah a stiff neck & headache will always go together, so maybe you just slept badly rather than being really hungover?

Do you ever suffer from migraine? Sometimes alcohol can be a trigger for it, and things like neck pain and mild headaches can all be a part of it (without a typical throbbing headache). Might explain why you're particularly sensitive to alcohol.

21-12-13, 09:40
I've only ever had a visual migraine and fingers crossed not for a year. I do have neck problems anyway which I go to the chiropractor for. It was cold and windy last night so I was probably holding myself and my neck tense.
Do have the classical upset tummy, feeling dehydrated (despite the water) signs of hangover :/

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

I'm just wondering, does everyone who drinks wake up knowing they've had alcohol despite the amount they've consumed? So if you're used to drinking a lot, if you had only two drinks would you still wake up with some after effects or would you escape and wake up feeling normal like you'd not been out drinking? Does that make any sense?

21-12-13, 09:44
Migraine can manifest in many ways, and even if you've only had visual ones in the past they can constantly change and evolve throughout your life.

Considering how sensitive you are to alcohol it may very well be possible that it's triggering some migraine symptoms for you rather than making you hungover. Upset tummy and feeling dehydrated are also very much part of migraine, and given your neck/head pain too it kind of fits.

It's hard to know of course, but it's something to consider. It still gives you the same choice, either avoid alcohol altogether or just drink small amounts and look after yourself the next day so that you can get back to feeling good faster.

Migraine may be something to consider in the different symptoms you experience that make you anxious. It's very common for migraineurs to also have anxiety problems, and sometimes migraine is even misdiagnosed as just anxiety.

---------- Post added at 09:44 ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 ----------

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

I'm just wondering, does everyone who drinks wake up knowing they've had alcohol despite the amount they've consumed? So if you're used to drinking a lot, if you had only two drinks would you still wake up with some after effects or would you escape and wake up feeling normal like you'd not been out drinking? Does that make any sense?

It's impossible to answer that one really, because alcohol affects us all so differently and depending on how we are feeling physically & mentally when we drink it can have different effects on us each time we drink. There's unfortunately no solid answer to that question!

21-12-13, 10:25
I'm sweating now as well :/
I guess my worry is that there something wrong with my liver. I've been getting these pains in my sides which the dr says doesn't sound anything serious. He had a feel of my stomach and said I felt healthy so obviously isn't concerned. But I've got a funny feeling in my left breast on the side of my body again now and feel a bit sick :/

21-12-13, 10:38
Sweating is totally normal with hangover/migraine! And you have a perfectly rational explanation for the funny pains in the reflux & anxiety issues.

You're allowing yourself to go back into the HA cycle again mummy, don't go there. Instead whenever you feel a niggling worry say to yourself "I trust my doctor, so I'm choosing to let go of this fear". Keep saying it to yourself, and release the worry every time it comes to your mind, just let it go. You might have to do it a lot at first, but it will help you.

Go do something to help yourself relax for 10 mins, take your mind off how you're feeling.