View Full Version : Anyone have work problems?

21-12-13, 12:44
Some of my problem is my own silly fault as I've only recently got help.

I have this pattern of feeling ok(ish) my anxiety is there but largely controllable, then I get a job, all is good until the pressure mounts, little things that others cope with like deadlines. I start to worry that I don't know what I'm doing and either put off doing stuff or over think it/redo just to make sure.

This continues, I get to the point where I feel on edge of impending dome, little tasks become truly overwhelming, my work begins to suffer as I can't cope with stuff. In the end everything implodes & I crash into a nervous wreck.

My home life suffers, I focus on work, almost like tunnel vision. I get more & more anxious about day to day things. I stop shopping, I hate the children doing anything out of my sight incase they have an accident. If they don't get up I fear the worst. Similar with hubby.

Sorry for going on I just feel like I'm losing my mind.

NE21 worrier
22-12-13, 13:10
I have this pattern of feeling ok(ish) my anxiety is there but largely controllable, then I get a job, all is good until the pressure mounts, little things that others cope with like deadlines. I start to worry that I don't know what I'm doing and either put off doing stuff or over think it/redo just to make sure.

This continues, I get to the point where I feel on edge of impending doom, little tasks become truly overwhelming, my work begins to suffer as I can't cope with stuff. In the end everything implodes & I crash into a nervous wreck.

Hello relda,

Thought I would give this the courtesy of a reply by just reassuring you that a sustained build-up of pressure is quite common, and certainly something which I recognise.

My two major periods of anxiety came at about the same time of year - the spring of 2012 and 2013, both as a result of a build up of events from the New Year onwards. That is not to say I am dreading 2014 as things seem to be much more settled for me at the moment.

Anyway, in terms of a build-up, my GP asked me to imagine a bucket of water outside the door as representing our stress.

When the sky (our mind) is clear and things are going ok, the water in the bucket is still - but when it rains, particularly if it rains heavily and there is a lot of stress about, the water in the bucket will eventually spill over the top.

I have found that the key to dealing with this and ultimate recovery is:

*Give yourself a bit of time and space whenever you find the pressure start to build. Take a break from work, if you can, or speak to your manager about your difficulties
*Look after yourself by eating the right things and not drinking too much.
*Write things down about the issues - but don't get bogged down by them - consider instead potential solutions and try and prioritise
*Do something which you know you will definitely relax you, a sort of guaranteed fall-back. A long soak in a bath or a pleasant walk, for example.

As the excellent Dr Claire Weekes says, finding the way to recovery is simple but not easy - by which I understand that she means the changes required to deal with anxiety are not necessarily huge fundamental ones but even small changes of mindset are difficult because we are likely so set in our ways.

I wish you good luck.
Peter x:)

22-12-13, 13:38
It's difficult to guess what type of things could be fixed with a job. I myself am unhappy with a project that is not going anywhere, where I feel "trapped" into a thing where none of us in the team will ever get any credit for it.

This is entirely different from the strike job I had to do in place of my regular job. We had to do extra hours to meet target goals. I actually enjoyed that, up to 10 hours, then it got to be drudgery.

But in any case, some variation of your duties daily would help. Talk to the boss.

22-12-13, 14:12
Hi relda this sounds like me, just letting you know your not alone, and talk it out to your boss perhaps, and perhaps I will do the same thing too

22-12-13, 15:45
Thanks all.

I've had various jobs over the years after graduating from uni. I'm good at what I do, but there always seems to be a pressure that eventually gets to me.

Currently I'm off sick, I managed a few months in a new job & then bang it was all too much. I get so frustrated that I can't reach my full potential & am thinking that's something that I'm going to have to come to terms with.

I think things play on anxieties that I know relate to my childhood & a general inability to cope in my own.

I can't explain what it is, it's just a mess & it gets me down. Sorry, in gabbling, just searching for words that aren't there.
