View Full Version : Christmas Anxieties

21-12-13, 17:53
Heya, does anyone else get anxious about Christmas? I think mine's to do with the fact that I get anxious about being in the house without anywhere to go...seeing as a lot of places are shut on Xmas day.

21-12-13, 19:30
I'm afraid I dread Christmas every year only because I dread any disruption in my routine which nearly always ends up as a blip. It's disappointing for sure as everyone else always seem to have so much fun!

I'm not a scrooge! Honest! :unsure:

21-12-13, 20:35
Every year my anxiety peaks, I want Christmas to be so perfect I make my anxiety severe. I do it every year.

21-12-13, 20:45
The past two years I cancelled Christmas dinner and we head out to the local Chinese Buffet.

I was so fed up with trying for the perfect Christmas and failing - we had swine flu one year, kids throwing up the next. I gave up. I'm happy knowing Christmas day I'll see other people, get to go out and have a nice meal I'll enjoy.

21-12-13, 22:47
To me its just another day, only I get to eat better. thats my attitude so I don't
expect a lot . Telly and grub and maybe company. either way it only last two days

22-12-13, 11:23
I get anxious too mostly about seeing all the family at once it makes me panic on what I look like and how I should behave it really causes me much distress