View Full Version : Not making old age

21-12-13, 20:04
I'm 35 and been suffering with anxiety and depression for the last 9 months with some really bad symptoms ,chest pains , racing heart , light headed , faint , scared , worried , headache , shaking , been on a few meds now and just been put on cit 20 mg as I come off venaflaxine , keep getting feelings that I'm loosing the battle and worried I won't be around to see my kids grow up , have spoken to doctor about it but he just looks at me as if I'm mad , I have had 3 blood tests this year and all come back ok

21-12-13, 23:21
Hi Tristan, i started with similar symptoms to you around 20 years ago which i believe were due to anxiety and went on to develop into panic attacks. I have resisted medication apart from diazapam to be used in severe panic attacks. I am reluctant to take strong medication as i believe that side effects can cause worse problems in some cases. I now have fibromyalgia to add to my list of problems and have spent the last 20 years convinced i wont be around much longer, or should i say i have wasted the last 20 years worrying that i wont be around much longer. I wish i could stop worrying about the future and concentrate on living for today. Some doctors just dont understand your fears, one once told me that we all have to die sometime. Not helpful when you worry about such things. Have you another gp in the practise that might be more understanding of your fears ?