View Full Version : Mid back ache - need some perspective pls

21-12-13, 21:14

I’m posting to see whether anyone has had ongoing back muscular tensions that they can relate to stress/tiredness/anxiety? I’ve had some recurring mid-back ache for almost six months now and I’m trying very, very hard to keep a lid on my health anxiety. Lately this tension/ache seems to be creeping up my neck as well as round my right side/ribs.

I’m desperately trying to tell myself that the fact that we had our second child six months ago and all the excess lifting, bending carrying could have had set off these aches and pains I’m having. They’re not severe, they just feel sort of surface and muscular – plus, I’m completely knackered lately too. Writing all of this out I can see how the logical people out there will say I’m fretting over nothing, but I can’t get it out of my head that there’s something else going on.

Someone said it’s probably gallstones which can cause pancreatitis.

That comment = health anxiety going through the roof.

Making a Dr’s appointment after Christmas day.

Any thoughts of perspective would be welcome.

21-12-13, 21:24
Hi Dan,

I'm one of those "logical" people ;) First off, congratulations on the second child. I don't envy you as newborns are a hell of a lot of work and then the terrible twos, potty training and all that. Mine are adults so I don't have to deal with that anymore. I have grand kids to look forward to. That means I have all the fun, spoil them rotten and give them back to Mom and Dad ~lol~

So... the fact that you saw what us logical folks would see mean that you logically can see it too. There's a lot more going on for sure and it's all in your head and you know it. Certainly, you can go see your GP to confirm that but I think deep down you know it. Sleepless nights, the added stress of a new baby, as you said, lifting and carrying things.... these all add up to muscle strain and a lack of proper rest (been there done that).

So it's your 2nd? Boy? Girl?... how old is the other child?

Positive thoughts

21-12-13, 21:38
I've had anxiety related muscle tension for months!! Funnily enough, mine too has been all right side and in my ribs. I guess we just hold ourselves funny!

My doctor gave me a month's course of anti inflammatory tablets and they've helped an awful lot!

22-12-13, 16:46
Thank you for the replies - for something as common as back pain, this is causing me a huge deal of anxiety...much more than other symptoms I've had in the past (palps, etc). I'm really struggling to function normally at the moment because I'm terrified that this is something awful like cancer of my pancreas, a tumour on my spine, lung cancer etc...

As I mentioned, our recent addition to the family has meant extra work and moderately disturbed nights sleep (although my fantastic rock of a wife is dealing with most of the night time demands of a newborn), I'm absolutely convinced that this niggling ache in my back is either the precursor to something terrible, or the early stages of a terrible disease. I try to convince myself that it isn't by stacking up the facts...I'm 39, never smoked, don't drink to excess, exercise fairly regularly and have a pretty much healthy diet. But there's that tiny little voice that says regardless, horrible illnesses can hit like a bolt out of the blue for even the most healthy people. My mind is working overtime on this and I'm struggling to keep it all together...