View Full Version : Tiny Red Pinpricks Under Skin?

22-12-13, 08:05
So I've noticed A LOT of posts referring to people fearing they have cancer due to finding little red pinpricks under their skin that look like freckles and/or like someone poked them with a red pen. I have these all over my legs and about 9 total on my arms. I noticef the ones on my arms/hands easily enough (7 or so years ago) because they're just right there. I noticed the ones on my legs about two years ago when I realized they were there under my leg hair and at first thought they were freckles before I made the connection. I have at least 6 other friends with the EXACT same things, not necessarily in the same spots, and we're all perfectly healthy. Remember that if the dots were cancerous they'd be accompanying waayyy worse symptoms. I've lived 7 years with these , which is almost half of my 16 years, and had no negative effects. Also these dots blanch, and cancerous ones don't. These are just a part of your complexion, and are actually more common than you'd think. I can just about guarantee you that at least one of your friends has tgem too. Soo yeah :). If I wouldn't have had to shave my legs for swim season I probably would never have even known I had them.

PS: Ignore any grammar mistakes I typed this on my phone