View Full Version : Feel Ick

22-12-13, 13:24
Good Morning, I am just so mad that I could spit nails. What kind of a silly saying is that anyway?:blush:

Woke up this morning with intense pain in my TMJ joints, a massive headache above my eyes, my ears aching, a sore throat and very colorful secretions from my nose. TMI

I'm not looking for reassurance. That in itself is amazing. I'm not googling symptoms. I'm not anxious about the situation. I'm just flat out mad. I know it's probably TMJ or a sinus infection. Three days before Christmas and I have so much to do. I just want to go back down and sleep in my bed.

Sorry for the rant. Just felt the need to reach out and connect with people who got it. I've worked so hard on my anxiety issues and I am happy that I'm not blowing this out of proportion.

I just want to run my errands today and feel good!

22-12-13, 13:31
Ugh Tanner, that's OK! My dizzy friends & I have what we call a good pity party on days when we're feeling really bad and need to vent - like you say, it's not about reassurance, it's just about chatting to people who care about how you feel. So come on here and vent, it's a healthy thing to do, get your upset and grumpiness out :)

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad today. It does sound like TMJ could be the source of some of your issues here - do you clench your jaw in your sleep? TMJ can masquerade as a sinus infection, as can migraine, but if you're getting coloured boogers then that's not a great sign :( You never know though, just look after yourself as much as you can in between being busy - do a little steaming or put some hot washcloths across your face.

I was actually clenching really badly myself last night too, and all my dizzy migraine symptoms have ramped up as a result, so annoying! Luckily for me I'd planned to take it easy at home today, just wrapping presents and stuff like that.

22-12-13, 13:41
Thanks HoneyLove, I felt perfectly safe to vent on here. Not something I normally do anymore. I'm not really worried about the symptoms, just mad at the inconvenience.

It very well could be TMJ as last night was a stressful night, with my Father back in the hospital. I might add that I handled that incident well. The colorful boogers don't appear to be a good sign though, although the weather has changed dramatically. I can't control that so I'm not going to worry about it. It will run it's course.

What I am going to do is get a upper body massage, as my partner is a nurse and a massage therapist. I will also use some heat and ice therapy, alternating the two. Advil has already made it feel a bit better.

Thanks for the participation in my pity party this morning. Hope you have a wonderful day wrapping presents.

22-12-13, 13:44
I'm sorry to hear that your Father is in the hospital, no wonder your jaw is playing up a bit. My own Dad had a few hospital visits in the last year, and it's definitely one of the most stressful things that you can experience. I know we all have to go through it at some stage with our parents, but it's still not easy to go through.

I hope that he'll be ok.

Upper body massage is a great idea, it'll be so very relaxing for you :)

I actually hate wrapping presents lol!! So I'm procrastinating at the moment by posting on here :D

22-12-13, 13:52
We didn't think that it was anything serious with my Dad, as he has had some back problems. His back went out and he was in excruciating pain so my baby brother took him to the ER. After an ultrasound and a cat scan, the found evidence of degenerative disc disease, but they also found a lesion on his spine. They are going to do an MRI this week to see what the lesion is. So all we can do at this point is wait for further test results.

I hate wrapping presents too, as I must say that I'm not very good at it. I was spoiled as a child, as my Granny used to wrap all of my presents.

22-12-13, 13:59
I'll have my fingers crossed for your Dad, hopefully the lesion will be just related to the disc degeneration.

Your Gran must have been good at wrapping presents then?

22-12-13, 14:02
My Gran and my Papa were amazing. I spent almost every weekend of my childhood with them. My brother died when he was three and I was eight. My parents couldn't really cope with me so I spent a great deal of time with them. I credit them with most good things about myself. Wonderful folks. And yes, my Gran was a master present wrapper!

22-12-13, 14:04
I'm sorry that such sad circumstances led to you being so close to your grandparents, but it sounds like they have had a very positive effect on your life :)

22-12-13, 14:08
I can't imagine what I would have turned out like without their love and influence. Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for them. Now if Gran was only here to wrap those darn presents!

22-12-13, 14:24
I've wrapped my presents tanner, I could wrap yours up to like a good little elf :)

22-12-13, 14:28
Oh Tanner.

You know what babe? You had a crash the other day, your Dad's in hospital, and it's coming up to Christmas which although lovely is stressful too.

It is perfectly understandable that you're feeling bad. It's ok. It doesn't undo the progress you have made! Go easy on yourself.

22-12-13, 14:29
Shake, if you're anywhere near Lexington, Kentucky, I would gladly take an elf.

22-12-13, 14:31
Damn I'm not sure where Lexington is too but I will find you lol yayy I'm an elf :)

22-12-13, 14:32
Thanks Kate. It has been a stressful week but for the first time in ages, I'm not worried about it. I'm just irritated at the timing and the inconvenience. I feel much better after the Advil kicked in and began to work. I'm not even looking at it as a blip, but as something normal that most anyone would feel after the past week.

It's all good and I'm going to have a good day no matter what!

22-12-13, 14:35
It's all good and I'm going to have a good day no matter what!

That's the spirit :) :yahoo:

22-12-13, 14:52
I'm just irritated at the timing and the inconvenience.

I know the feeling well. I was more PO'd when I got sick because I had too much to do! What a PITA! Your reaction and subsequent "action" shows a giant leap forward!

Positive thoughts