View Full Version : REALLY need help right now

22-12-13, 18:53
I would like some reassurance please. I have not eaten much today which has i believe brought this on... but i feel very dizzy numb strange all over particularly in head and im eating right now to try and boost myself back up but im real worried about breathing my stomach also feels weird and im scared that cause my head feels weird my brain wont be able to control my breathing and that il stop breathing - deep breathing is also hard as stomach feels weird i just need some reassurance im not going to die!

22-12-13, 19:06
Hi BeckyBop

Well I ain't a doctor but I don't think your going to die.
Not eating properly can cause you to feel dizzy and will also cause your stomach to feel strange as it needs to have it's fuel you know.
I would stay your having an anxiety attack (does not sound like a panic attack) so your symptoms are mild and I would say after you have eaten something and allowed it to settle in your stomach you will feel a lot better.

Your breathing will settle and your brain will control it nicely you will just find that at the moment because your thinking about it that your getting into anxiety mode and if you just try to relax listen to some music or watch a little tv and once you have taken your mind of your breathing you will be ok.

22-12-13, 19:20
thanks purgatory been eating a bit better and so feeling a little less dizzy ive got a really blocked nose though which isnt helping the 'you cant breath' thoughts