View Full Version : Panic in the Fall/Winter

22-12-13, 20:38
Hi guys,

Just wanted to see if anyone else experiences a huge amount of panic in certain seasons. My depression has always worsened in the fall, but I'm finding that I get into horrible health-anxiety panic loops that last weeks at this time of year. I am miserable, constantly convinced I'm having a heart attack or stroke, conjuring up symptoms and worrying about them. My SO is witnessing this for the first time and I'm worried he thinks I'm losing my mind. I'm on hour 4 of a panic loop for the fifth day in a row and I don't know how much more of this I can take! Just had to get that out somewhere.

22-12-13, 23:38
Hello, I think my anxiety worsens in the darker months too. Im not particularly a sun lover but I do find that im happier in the spring and summer months. My anxiety displays as chest pains/discomfort which makes me miserable. Some days are better than others.
Im looking forward to the spring :-)
Take care
Bec x

23-12-13, 01:35
Same with me, I usually find if it's sunny outside then I feel less anxious lol. It's strange isn't it?