View Full Version : At the end of my tether :( constant pain

22-12-13, 21:37
I'm really struggling. All I ever feel is pain.... Somewhere in my body. For the last few weeks I've had:

- Intermittent pain on the left side of my head that is a stabbing pain
- nausea for no reason
- pain and numbness down my left arm and pain in my armpit
- hot flushes
- pain in my left thigh
- pain in my left shoulder
- dizziness
- acid reflux and stomach pain
- pelvic pain similar to a period pain

I've tried to keep a rational head about all of this but I'm now absolutely exhausted with it all. I've tried ignoring it and getting on with my day but there is always some sort of pain every part of the day. I don't want to go yo the doctor and waste time and I've tried everything I can think if - CBT, counselling, meds, relaxation techniques but nothing is working.

I know it sounds dramatic but I'm worried I'm going to drop dead any day now or that I have a cancer that hasn't been diagnosed.

This forum does help me but I don't know what more I cab do to help with these symptoms :(

Lou x

22-12-13, 21:52
Call in sick to work. Tell them it's flu, it's the season for it. Then treat yourself how you would when you have flu - sit down in front of the TV with a blanket and a hot chocolate.

You're exhausted from anxiety. You need a rest.

I promise you won't drop dead, though, you are suffering the classic symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety is still an illness and pushing yourself through as if there's nothing wrong doesn't help.

22-12-13, 22:57
Luckily I've got next week off but even when I'm relaxing in front of the TV I get pain. Right now I've got a pain in my left arm and in my throat. Yet I feel completely relaxed. I really want this to go away :(

22-12-13, 22:59
Luckily I've got next week off but even when I'm relaxing in front of the TV I get pain. Right now I've got a pain in my left arm and in my throat. Yet I feel completely relaxed. I really want this to go away :(

I know, it's so annoying, isn't it? The aches will take a little while to subside, just as they do if you've been doing exercise. But it will go away after a few days if you really treat yourself nicely - you are feeling unwell, don't push yourself. Cuppa, telly, baths, nice food :) Try to pamper yourself this week.

If you find that your thoughts are making you stressed - perhaps you think the pain is the result of something else other than anxiety? - then maybe try deliberately distracting yourself for a while with something that takes up all your concentration. A conversation about something completely different, perhaps. A game like Scrabble that forces you to use your mind?

I'm assuming that if you suffer from health anxiety you have already received reassurance from a doctor that you are physically well?

22-12-13, 23:15
I do worry the pain isn't anxiety because it happens even when I'm relaxing and it doesn't go away. I havent spoken to my doctor about most of the symptoms because I fear it'll be a wasted trip. I've tried to wait the pain out instead. I'll try and pamper myself this week and at least enjoy Christmas.

22-12-13, 23:20
I do worry the pain isn't anxiety because it happens even when I'm relaxing and it doesn't go away. I havent spoken to my doctor about most of the symptoms because I fear it'll be a wasted trip. I've tried to wait the pain out instead. I'll try and pamper myself this week and at least enjoy Christmas.

Perhaps you could try asking someone who doesn't have health anxiety what they would do if they had aches and pains? It's good to get perspective sometimes on what is serious and what isn't. If it was me (I've never suffered health anxiety, really) then I wouldn't go to a doctor unless it lasted months without let-up, or if it was so painful it was stopping me from functioning normally. We all get aches and pains, especially when we're under stress, and the vast majority of the time it's nothing to get worried about.

I think it's a great idea to give yourself a good rest through Christmas - and try to take your mind off it as much as possible so you really do get a rest! - and then recap in the New Year. If you're still feeling lots of pain, then maybe a trip to the GP will help put your mind at rest, so long as you are able to accept the GP's reassurance and not need to go back for more - that's really the important part!

Hope you're able to enjoy yourself next week :)

05-01-14, 16:20
I just read this post and Loubelle you are not alone. I am freaking out. My pain started with underarm and chest pain, just on the left side. Now it radiates to my arm, shoulder and leg on the left. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes I get so frustrated and tired of hurting that i cry. I want to go to the doctor but am still waiting on my insurance card to arrive. I am sick of hurting and don't understand why it is all confined to the left side :(

05-01-14, 16:50
Hi worrieraz

I too suffer from everything you have said and its all on my left side too. I get pain in my upper left thigh and I'm still getting pain in my armpit and sometimes when I squeeze it to massage it the pain spreads all down my arm and really hurts. I'm terrified I've got cancer of the lymph nodes or something similar.

I went to my doc who prescribed sertraline but after reading horror stories I don't think I want to take it xxx

05-01-14, 17:28
Loubelle, my pain started with the armpit. I had a mammo and an ultrasound. No cancer or anything scary. The pain then moved to my chest I got scared and went to the hospital. Had blood tests, ekg, chest xray, etc. All clear but I can't help feeling something is wrong. Today my pain is less but a have more of a tingling feeling in my arms and leg. I am at my wits end!