View Full Version : Tongue ulcer/oral worries again

22-12-13, 22:13
I'm very scared about some ulcers on my tongue. I have 3 now and also some red bumps at the very back. I bite/chew my tongue in my sleep and at first thought it was that but they seem too far back to be from my teeth. am hoping that my tongue reaches forward at times so that it will be that but I'm worried.

It does seem a big coincidence that I have other tongue sores that are definitely with the biting but I keep getting feelings of terrible dread.

I have had some reassurance from here which did help me at the time but I now have another ulcer. Any help greatly received.

22-12-13, 23:33
Hi Cee.
I went through an awful phase of worrying about my mouth and tongue too, I know how distressing it can be! I had mouth ulcers, tongue ulcers, sometimes at the same time! They are really common(and very annoying), especially if you're under stress.
Please don't worry about them, I drove myself round the bend with it. Ulcers will come and go, just try not to keep checking or touching. I did that and gave myself a few more to stress over!

23-12-13, 00:00
Thank you Lf, it always helps if someone has experienced similar things, it's often illogical but I just keep thinking, what if it is something more sinister. My logical self says it's the tongue biting, then I think other scary thoughts. Thanks for replying, it does help :-)

23-12-13, 00:38
CeeCee, I've had many of the same issues. A month or so ago, I had a very sore tongue and it ended up being a case of thrush from a previous course of antibiotics. Possibly check with your GP and I'm sure all will be well.

23-12-13, 00:44
Thank you Tanner, I know that's what I need to do, just a bit scared :-(

23-12-13, 00:48
I understand being scared. It took me a long time to accept my anxiety and I'm still not perfect at it. I always try to find something to distract myself. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing!

23-12-13, 00:59
Me too, I try to get into a logical frame of mind, I like craft and such, and my family are a good diversion but it's never far from my mind, I just want a reason for anything I can't explain, then I'm fine. Typical of HA I suppose

23-12-13, 01:27
Hey there Triple C,

These things still got you in a pickle eh? Well, you know I've had it and have the badge to prove it. In most cases of OC, especially BOT (back of tongue), which is what your concern is, there is no "ulcer" per se' or pain. In the vast majority of cases it doesn't show it's ugly head until it's pretty far advanced.

I'm not a doctor but what you describe doesn't present itself as OC. I belong to a couple of OC forums and the vets there will tell you the same. The only way to know for sure is to have a biopsy done of the affected area, lesion or node. Problem is, if there's nothing suspicious to biopsy, then you have to take the word of your doctor. An ulcer could very well be, and is most likely, an "ulcer". Millions of people get them all the time.

I really don't know if this helps because like you said, typical HA pulls you into that cycle of worry no matter how hard you try sometimes. Hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 01:35
sorry you are going through this C...I know the feeling I've had throat worries for several weeks now...I hope you get over this soon and feel better.

23-12-13, 01:43
Sorry you're still feeling anxious. Just because no one else brought it up: mouth ulcers normally appear when you're run down with stress! I went through a period of having ulcers in my mouth and sties in my eyes over and over again: they never seemed to go away! That's just one more incentive for you to try not to worry so much - although I'm sure you don't need any more incentives!

23-12-13, 08:30
I have always suffered with mouth ulcers. Whenever one appears there are always lots more on tjeor way. I also bite my tongue at night and get clusters of mouth ulcers at the very back of my tongue from the biting.

23-12-13, 13:29
Thank you so much for the replies. Fishman, what you say really does help even if it doesn't seem to, you of all people know about this, so thank you for being so patient with me. I know if I am thinking logically that it is more unlikely than likely. I had a terrible time earlier this morning when I thought of it, started o do stuff to occupy myself. I just want to know the reasons for the lumps and ulcers if not anything nasty, I have just had a bad chest infection too so I am a bit run down I suppose. The new ulcer is slightly under the tongue, it cant be with biting. They are quite small and not really sore, my niece is a dentist and she says to have them checked if they don't go away, but she thinks it is with biting/chewing. Although she hasn't seen them yet, this was by text. I'm seeing her Christmas day but scared to show her in case she shows on her face that it's bad, silly me! I used to grind my teeth, still do at times and my teeth are quite sharp. They have never seemed the same since I had a tooth out and got Dry Socket. They seem to be closer now. Maybe this is why I chew my tongue as I never used to. Anyway, I'm definitely going to dentist/docs after Christmas, my husband will march me there if I don't go of my own accord! Thanks again, I'll no doubt be back! :-/

23-12-13, 13:39
I know if I am thinking logically that it is more unlikely than likely.

I grab what I see are the true positives and that statement alone makes me feel that you're doing Ok despite the niggles :) As was stated in a previous post, stress contributes to mouth ulcers ad you've certainly been stressed lately. Take a deep breath... a couple of them if you have to and push through. You'll be fine I'm sure :) Have a wonderful Christmas!

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 13:48
I always get mouth ulcers and also sore in corner of my mouth ask your doc for some nystatin or get a difflam spray from chemist , nothing to worry about you can get them if your run down or anxious x

23-12-13, 14:43
I always get mouth ulcers and also sore in corner of my mouth ask your doc for some nystatin or get a difflam spray from chemist , nothing to worry about you can get them if your run down or anxious x

Nystatin is an anti-fungal typically used to treat thrush and other fungal infections (I know it well from treatment). The Difflam is a rinse that can help with the pain and aid healing.

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 18:56
Is Difflam worth getting then Fish? Will it speed up the healing?

23-12-13, 19:03
Is Difflam worth getting then Fish? Will it speed up the healing?

Honestly, the best thing for mouth ulcers (and boy did I have them from rads), is a solution as follows:

16oz water
1tbsp of baking soda
1tsp of salt
5g of glutamine* *optional

Rinse and swish with that 4-6 times a day. It soothes the discomfort and promotes healing.

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 19:18
Thanks, I'll try that. Though not heard of glutamine, is it usually from a chemist? It might be good for the front of my tongue which is sore from biting in my sleep too. Worth a try anyway, thanks.

---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

I also bite my tongue at night and get clusters of mouth ulcers at the very back of my tongue from the biting.[/QUOTE]

Mine are quite far back and this made me think it couldn't be with biting but you say yours are really far back and are with biting, therefore it is possible mine are too I suppose.

23-12-13, 19:20
Glutamine is an amino acid you can get in powder form that promotes healing and boosts immune system response and is most used by athletes and fitness buffs. My team suggested it for the same reasons and I used it for years when I was into weight training and going to the gym. I still drink protein/fruit smoothies and add 5 grams of glutamine every day as it's good for my body and promotes healing.

You can get it from a health store and find it online. It's inexpensive. You don't absolutely need it but it helps. I still keep a bottle of that stuff around and rinse whenever my mouth or throat starts bothering me (it still does 8 months out from treatment).

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 19:31
Great, I'll get some from Holland and Barratt probably. Thanks!

25-12-13, 16:35
Just an update. I saw my niece today, she's a dentist, she looked at my tongue and said it was nothing to worry about just taste buds red with biting and couldn't see the ulcers, I looked to try to show her but couldn't see them either. She said she wouldn't refer me to ENT if I was a patient. I am so relieved, although the ulcer is now visible again for some reason. She said I should have gone to see her sooner, I think I was a bit scared of the possibilities though. Thanks again to all on here who have been a big support, I'm not promising I won't be back though ;-)

25-12-13, 16:52
Just an update. I saw my niece today, she's a dentist, she looked at my tongue and said it was nothing to worry about just taste buds red with biting and couldn't see the ulcers, I looked to try to show her but couldn't see them either. She said she wouldn't refer me to ENT if I was a patient. I am so relieved, although the ulcer is now visible again for some reason. She said I should have gone to see her sooner, I think I was a bit scared of the possibilities though. Thanks again to all on here who have been a big support, I'm not promising I won't be back though ;-)

I can "officially" say " I told you so!" ;)

Positive thoughts, Merry Christmas and chocolate!

25-12-13, 16:54
I can "officially" say " I told you so!" ;)

Positive thoughts, Merry Christmas and chocolate!

Yes, you certainly can! Thanks again, and you too, have a great Christmas!