View Full Version : Blood pressure question

23-12-13, 02:04
So I have been monitoring my BP every few days. This was a phobia, but I am getting less stressed about it.

I have a question. Usually my first reading is higher... around 153 or so over 100. I may get another reading like this. But after a few min it comes down to anything from 128 to 136 or so.

The last 2 days it settled at 128 over 96 the last time I checked.

If I take the avg it comes to 146 or so over 90 which is midly high. Do I take that? Do I take the lowest reading? I think I am anxious and then calm down, leading to the lower reading. But I cannot be sure.

I will tell my GP all of this, and keep measuring. But I am just looking for opinions.

23-12-13, 02:14
Hey Robin,

It's amazing how "exposure" works. I've been reading the CBT program available here and it's discussed. Glad to hear you're doing better with it.

I would keep a record of all the readings and show then to your doc. The initial higher reading could very well be some residual anxiety as is your thought.

When do you see him again?

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 02:21
Thanks Fishmanpa. Yes exposure is incredible. No matter what happens, it is nice to not have that fear anymore. There is a book my therapist recommended "Mind Over Mood". Have you heard of it?

I will see my doc in a month or so. I was supposed to go after 4 weeks (so in 2 weeks) but will be on vacation until mid Jan.

23-12-13, 02:33
There is a book my therapist recommended "Mind Over Mood". Have you heard of it?

I haven't but I did a quick look-see on Amazon and it appears to be a good one. The reviews were quite good. I work on my attitude daily. Especially now after cancer. I admit I'm struggling as the side effects are not pleasant. I've been reading up on CBT and it's actually been beneficial for me and I'm not using it for anxiety.

When I got ill, I read everything I could to better prepare myself. I think it's a huge positive to expand your horizons by educating yourself concerning your anxiety and methods used to treat it. The more you know, the better prepared you are to handle the bumps in the road.

Positive thoughts