View Full Version : Hello!

23-12-13, 08:31
Hi guys,

I have been watching this website cautiously for almost a year now, but yesterday only decided to sign up and see if my experiences could help others.

I have major reoccurring depressive disorder, and have had on and off for 12-15 years now.

Had tried most SSRI's prescribed by GP until they realised that it was probably my life was in danger and decided to refer me to a psychiatrist.
Tablets I've taken are citalopram, propranolol, Prozac etc. I am now currently on 45mg Mirtazapine and 150mg sertraline, so have experienced a fair amount of side effects over the years.

Looking forward to being able to offer my help if I can.



blue moon
23-12-13, 12:09
Welcome to the site Milla:D hoping you make friends like I have done


23-12-13, 12:22
Hello Milla ,welcome aboard :)