View Full Version : Aarrggg - Anxiety back again .... just feeling like I can't cope.

23-12-13, 10:19
Hi folks !!
Just wondering if it'll ever end ????
Have been on Sertraline for 6 weeks - 2 at 50mgs - @ 100mgs.
Was starting to feel better last week - had a few god days.
Stupidly had some red wine last week (cause I was feeling better), and since Friday my anxiety has been in overdrive....
Throat is killing me, vile taste my mouth, feeling like I have a massive lump in throat, coughing up some not very pleasant stuff ..... my chest feels like it's caving in.
Of course - I've spent the whole weekend convinced I have throat cancer ....and I'm in hell again....
Got Dr this evening, so hopefully she'll check things out for me.....
Just feel like curling up in a hole and crying !!!
Was hoping that the sertraline would be starting to kick in by now....

23-12-13, 11:52
Hi shelly. There are a lot of viruses about at the moment. I has had one for last week..sore throat,runny nose,swollen glands etc...probably wat you have.hope all gods well at docs
Gina x