View Full Version : Seriously freaking out 😭😭

23-12-13, 10:22
I'm seriously freaking out this morning got the doctors at 11.20 I can't calm myself down at all my breathing not good I've got heart palps strange feeling in my chest my left arm feels like is being squashed sick with worry am I doing this to myself?

23-12-13, 10:29
Sending you big hugs.
I'm feeling your pain, I'm doing the same to myself aswell. I can't breath today .... my chest is so tight....
It's all anxiety - it's an awful thing....but I can't convince myself either - I've got dr this evening.
Take care.

23-12-13, 13:06
Illgetthere, I have often done this very same thing to myself. Anxiety does strange things to our bodies. You might try reading the symptoms list to the left side of the page. That really helped me.