View Full Version : jolts all over body

23-12-13, 10:49
I'm a 21 year old male now. I started having the jolts when i was 18. They started in my stomach and made me constipated. When I was almost 20 I started getting these same jolts of anxiety in my testicles. The jolts for some reason causes my hair to fall out at a slow rate. My facial hair falls out the fastest of any of the hair it seems. It also gives me a hard time to get an erection. My doctor tested my testosterone levels with a blood sample and they seemed fine which makes sense because if i had low testosterone I would have no sex drive. I have a healthy sex drive its just harder to get an erection. I've tried Ativan and benzos and they only skimmed the surface. Only thing that helped/helps is to say "i don't care if my hair falls out" which is a really hard thing to do. When I'm not resisting against these jolts they go awayr, but also when i'm not thinking about them (which seems impossible to try to distract myself from these things.) Not caring is the answer for right now but its really really really really hard. I also have the jolts in my eyes, head, nose, and throat. I take romaine but it only slightly helps the hair grow back. Any medication or any advice? Thanks.

23-12-13, 11:23
I've had jolts of various kinds over the years, but I can't say I've been able to link them to hair falling out, although I've had that too (male pattern baldness).

Nevertheless, both conditions are harmless, although they may be distressing at times.

23-12-13, 13:15
Stress can make your hair fall out but you won't lose all of it. You may get thinner hair from anxiety and notice a lot of hair on your pillow in the morning, but it will grow back when you are less anxious.

Do you know what caused the anxiety in the first place?

23-12-13, 13:34
If you look at my picture you can see I'm not in a position to offer hair growing advice ;) What stands out and what has been stated is that relieving your stress and anxiety would be the most effective way to treat the symptoms. Certainly, there are self help methods and tried and true therapy/meds. Ultimately you must find what works for you.

I really had no choice in the matter as my hair loss was hereditary. I started losing my hair at your age. I was a long haired hippie freak back then so it was rather traumatic and I held onto the hair I had for a long time. While I had very little on top, I grew the remaining hair long, had a pony tail etc. It wasn't until my late 30's when I saw "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons that it hit me. "Damn! I don't want to look like that!" ~lol~ So I shaved my head and went with the Mr. Clean look. Honestly, it was the best thing I ever did! Not only did I save money on shampoo and baldness remedies, my social life went through the roof! You'd be surprised how many ladies really love Mr. Clean! ;) I think of it as more face to kiss :)

Positive thoughts

24-12-13, 00:11
thanks for the hair loss advise guys. its not so much that. i mean that does suck obviously especially for somebody my age. but its more of the jolts. how do I get rid of the jolts. cause they're all over the body now

24-12-13, 05:17
in particular, suggested medications????? :D

25-12-13, 05:01
Because you have a number of problems which may or may not be related, it's hard to suggest an appropriate medication. As you are quite young, it's probably a good idea to explore non-drugs ways of dealing with anxiety, if possible. Your doctor may be able to refer you to a therapist.

Are you still studying? Your educational institution may have a free counselling service that can help with things like relaxation therapy.