View Full Version : embarrasing

13-11-06, 11:50
Cant belive I went to the hair dressers today, I really needed my hair sorted out badly. Walked in there at 9am and asked a girl whos cut my hair before "can you cut my hair now ?"
(I have to say now cos the anxiety builds up).

Any way she said "yes" and I started crying [V] ,OMG I cant belive I did that and WHY ??? Maybe it was the stress of having to sit in a hair salon ? or is it cos my grandads terminly ill ?

I felt so ashamed yet my hair dresser is so lovely , she was so kind and understanding, her sister is agrophobic so she really understands.

Ive never ever cried like that before yet the stange thing is I didnt panic .She said I can pop in any time to see her.......shes so nice.

I was thinking that maybe crying releases the stress so then i dont panic ?

Do we panic cos we dont cry enough ?

I will be doing a crying poll shortly, thanks for reading.


13-11-06, 12:07
Mirry hun this is a very 'me' thing to do aswell.

I think when I am scared, anxious, whatever, I do a good front for a bit, then someones nice to me and the whole facade crumbles. I think the crying in my case is a bit like a boiling kettle - the steam (fear/emotion) has to escape somehow.

This is actually how my panic attacks (on the rare occasions I have had one when I am out) manifest themselves too. I always think I will go screaming madly out the shop or wherever I am but in reality I just burst into tears.

I think it's lovely that you have a hairdresser like that and that she understands - I think if we all felt that we would get that understanding we probabaly wouldn't be so worried about being out and about in the first place.

Well done for getting your hair done mate - if I don't get mine done soon I'll have to change my name to Rapunzel!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-11-06, 12:47
I didnt used to but yes now I do.
Even when Im talking to the doctor,I burst into tears.[Sigh...]

Love & light to you x

13-11-06, 13:14
You did well in going to the hair dressers,I have to have mine done at home!!!!!She sounds very understanding.:)

Ellen XX

13-11-06, 16:10
hi mirry thats ok it doesnt matter that you cried,you should cry and let it out if thats what you have to do.your hairdresser sounds really nice and understanding which is good.also a big well done for going there and getting your hair cut you did really well.tc tracy

13-11-06, 16:49
For me, my panic attacks usually results in tears too. I would feel nauseous, then start panicing, then the panic would get so much I'd be petrified and burst into tears inevitably. Now, when I say cry I mean that kind you did as a kid, no holds barred, have to hitch your breath in kind of cry. Yes, that bad! And after a while when the tears subsided, I found the panic wore off a little and I started to feel better.

If it's any consolation you could tell people you're pregnant! Pregnant women cry all the time for no reason at all!

13-11-06, 17:22
YEah i cry loads too - i can relate to piglet in that when someone is nice to me and shows understanding and stuff i just start to bubble and the tears start. I also feel so emotionally drained and the tears come then too, i think it is a release.

14-11-06, 07:01
Oh Mirry,

youre not alone, I cry at the drop of a hat.....even when I laugh I end up in tears...very embarrasing.

Only last week I was in tears at work (yes in my new job so now my new colleagues wonder what on earth theyve been lumbered with lol)

Seriously though, the counsellor I saw used to say we have tears for a reason and theyre very healing (I'm sure I read somewhere that it has been scientifically proven that the content of tears actually includes some component of the stress hormones (though I may have just imagined that lol....no I'm sure I read about that honest!).

Please dont feel embarrased, it is a release as the others have said.

And youve got a gorgeous new haircut to show for it!

Take care

Coni x

14-11-06, 07:14
conie, your right i think it does contain a hormone ? so dont go kissing other peoples tears lol.

My hair does look really nice (makes a change) considering ive been cutting it myself previously [:I]


15-11-06, 19:10
add one to the group. i cry at commercials! and don't let someone ask how I'm doing......niagra falls.
