View Full Version : Bleeding after Colposcopy. Scared of Infection or Haemmorging - HELP

23-12-13, 11:29
Hi all,
As u know I have SEVERE health anxiety - everyday I feel something that scared me.


On Monday last week (7 days ago) I had to go for a colposcopy and they took 2 biopsies of my cervix. The leaflet said if you experience sever bleeding 2-3 days or smelly discharge then to go to a&e.

After the procedure, I had the usual 'discharge' which was watery and no smelling.

On Friday (4 days after biopsy) I woke up to a fresh bleed. It wasn't that heavy. More like id had a 'gush' of blood. It stopped on its own.

The day after, I passed a very small piece of grey stuff - I thought maybe it was a piece of the stuff they used to stop the bleeding after biopsy.

On Saturday night I again had a small gush of blood.

On Sunday (6 days after biopsy), I wiped and there was a small blob of bright yellow. I rang the gynae ward and spoke to the nurse. She said to look out for:
- heavy bleeding that soaks a pad
-smelly bleeding
-smelly discharge
high temperature and feeling unwell

Well today I woke up and was playing on the floor with my daughter when I felt a big gush again down below. I checked and it was bleeding bright red. I cried as Im thinking the worst and my chest and throat is SO SO tight.

I rang gynae ward again. Again they said the same thing as before.

I did miss a mini pill yesterday night by accident but I don't think id get a period immediately after?? and why all the random bleeding?

Its 2 days before xmas and im so scared I will end up really really ill or in hospital.

My mum wont listen to me and says I 'look ok' so am fine, my partner is telling me to stop checking all the time.

I do feel ill though. Since Thursday I have felt so ill. I have had the tightest choking feeling and tight chest and feel very sickly. I did have a blood test as recently as 2 days ago and no raised WBCs etc

Has anyone else had a colposcopy?

Please help me if u can


23-12-13, 15:07
I haven't had any of your procedures so I cannot comment on that but you have phoned the ward and they are not concerned. Your tight chest etc is probably anxiety. As you are not running a high temperature it is unlikely you have an infection. I get a lot of 'You look ok' 'you're walking,talking' etc from my husband but when you are worrying (as those of us with health anxiety do!) it doesn't really help, does it?! Hope you feel ok very soon. Xx

23-12-13, 18:36
I agree with Jilly, you have explained things to the nurses on the ward and if they don't seem worried then I wouldn't be. I am sure that bleeding like this will be normal after the procedure. You will be feeling worse because you are getting so anxious about it.

23-12-13, 23:52
Yes I've had a Colposcopy hun.

The thing is, it's a bit like everything really, we're all different so we'll all have a different experience.

I can tell you that I would think that the little bit of "grey matter" you passed, was probably just some of the cells that come away following the treatment, I actually looked like I'd sat in an ashtray on day 3!!! But that is perfectly normal so far as I'm aware.

As for the bleeding, well it's difficult to know where it's actually coming from, it may be that you're having a period, therefore the blood isn't coming from your cervix but from your womb.

It could well be where you missed a pill or it could be where you're very anxious and that brought it on.

I was also told to only worry if the bleeding was heavy enough to soak a sanitary towel, if it smelled or if I had discharge that was off colour and smelly.............don't it sound fun!!!! lol :winks:

You would usually get a high temperature if you were to have an infection like that too.

I would try and chill and relax a bit now as you've spoken to the ward and they haven't seemed to be concerned enough to ask you to come back or to see your doctor. I'm sure that all is well hun :hugs:

24-12-13, 20:51

I've had three Colposcopy's last one was earlier this year.

Each time my experience has been different.

First time, no bleeding, bit of watery discharge but no blood at all.
Second time, no bleeding initially then about 4-5 days after bleeding starts (smelly) with bad cramps and feeling very sore down below and generally unwell. Had an infection and GP prescribed antibiotics.
Third time, started spotting day after, bright red blood, couple of gushes over the next few days loads of grey white stuff coming away and a few blood clots.
I spoke to GP by phone and they said perfectly normal and as long as it wasn't smelly and I didn't have pain it should just clear up in a few days - which it did.

From my experience I would say if you aren't cramping and you don't have temperature and no smell it's probably normal.

I panicked last time because I'd had an infection before but it was very different, when I had the infection it wasn't bright red blood and it didn't gush, it just started as spotting and started to get heavier and then the pain kicked in and the odour etc.

Last time it was bright red and it it did gush I remember having to excuse myself at a meal because I felt it, but it wasn't an infection and it settled.

Sorry for TMI just trying to reassure you, even it was an infection it's just a course of antibiotics and I think if they thought for one minute that's what it was they'd prescribe them to be on the safe side.

Take care

26-12-13, 08:01
Thanku eveyone so so much xx