View Full Version : Blood pressure

23-12-13, 13:38
I went to diabetic clinic yesterday and they started to take my blood pressure but it kept going up and up and got so tight my arm was going blue so the nurse then said oh it must be broke she then got a manual blood pressure monitor and started to pump it up but the cuff was so small it kept bursting open so she said Oh will just have to put we couldn't take it ..... I'm sure she shouldn't have done that surely she should have found a way to take it I suffer high blood pressure I'm worried now that my blood pressure was realllllyyyyyy high I'm so worried and my docs have no appointments dunno what to do

23-12-13, 14:00
You can usually get it done in a chemist if you are really worried about it or the nurse at the GP surgery could do it. You don't need to see the doc to get it done.

23-12-13, 14:46
were they using the right size cuff?

23-12-13, 14:48
Nic is right. I know here, the chain pharmacies and even the pharmacies in the supermarkets and super stores have BP machines you can use to check.