View Full Version : Do you cry ?

13-11-06, 11:59
How do you feel about crying ?


13-11-06, 13:46
HI mirry, i like to have a good cry it does release the anxiety in me. I,m quite an emotional person anyway, Ithink that everyone needs to shed a tear occasionally.lorraine, not a tear but a :D for you .

13-11-06, 13:55
It's difficult to pick just one..

In my family, emotions are not something you show. My mum hides in the kitchen when she gets emotional watching a film, we never talk about feelings. In my teens/twenties, I had an eating disorder, and from what I know from therapy, a lot of that was built up emotions that I had no idea how to express, because I never learned how to. So I picked 'In my childhood I was made to feel ashamed if I cried'

I also could've picked that I feel better after crying, it does calm me and gets rid of the anxiety. I also could've picked that I feel it's ok to cry, but, I also could've picked that I try not to cry in front of people, though the only exception is my boyfriend. I also could've picked that I cry about once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.

13-11-06, 14:40

i could have opted for quite a few choices.

and just before i came on the site i had been crying - I am an emotional person so the slightest thing can trigger memories. I was part crying cos my friend just visited with her new partner and after everything she has been through in her life - I felt happiness at seeing them so happy together. The sad part hit me once they left and I realised what I am pushing away out of my life - I am kidding myself saying i want to be alone and have my independence so I got upset that cos of my anxiety and all the other health problems I have I stay clear of relationships.

I was brought up never to show emotion and was in an emotionless marriage but I think its ok to show feelings and its a great release to cry.

........life is for living not just for surviving

13-11-06, 16:03
hi mirry i too could of picked a few answers i went for once a month in the end.i am a very emotional person and could and would cry about anything before i was like this.but i now find it hard to cry but when i do i do feel better for it.it wouldnt bother me to cry in front of anybody.and i think its ok for anybody too cry,old,young, man,women anybody.tc tracy

13-11-06, 19:34
really interesting that we find a good cry releases our anxietys,
could it be that being so anxious or panicky is built up emotions waiting to get out ?
Dark angel & Eveline, I was bought up not to show emotion too, my parents looked disgusted if i cried.
Tam I usually find it hard to cry about problems, usually get more angry.
Rickards, glad your feeling smiley today :D


13-11-06, 20:55
I have to say I voted for as a child I was made to feel crying was unacceptable. This means that now I still try make sure no'one sees me crying. Also I feel that if people see me cry they will know a weakness and use it. How sad is that?

interesting poll though. thanks mirry.



Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

15-11-06, 18:20
i would love to have a good cry but it just wont come i think that is why i cant release my pent up feelings which have been there for a long time.i lost a uncle and mother in law and never cried when they died.i think that is what is holding me back from living a peacefull life.i feel ashamed to cry but darent do it on my own ,i feel as though i am losing it .


15-11-06, 19:00
its a good release to have a good cry, as long as i dont feel sorry for myself

20-11-06, 04:13
I wish I could cry but the tears never seem to come

Don't believe everything you think.

23-05-07, 18:06
The pain of anxiety won't make me cry

The despair, the eyes well up but never cry

The depression, even self pity won't produce a tear

Rangers beating Celtic? I leak tears like a baby ;)

23-05-07, 20:15
There was no 'correct' answer for me to pick so I chose 'after I cry my anxiety is less'.

The reality is I never cry, I would absolutely love to be able to cry as though it is frightening whilst I am crying, afterwards I feel 'unburdened' and lighter.

In the past year I have probably cried twice. Usually when I am so desperate and so overwhelmed with loneliness and fear that I phone the Samaritans and sob uncontrollably to the stranger on the other end of the phone. I would love to be to cry when I feel I need to cry but I just can't, not a single tear will come out.

I was the youngest of five children and was always called 'crybaby' by my siblings. At primary school I was admired by the other children for not crying when I fell or cut my knee or whatever.

I am sure if I could cry when the anxiety and depression and loneliness build up to an unbearable point, then crying woud ease the horrible feelings. But I never can cry.
Does anyone know if there is a 'trick' to allowing yourself to cry? I would love to know it. At the moment I am like a super absorbent sponge just absorbing everything but leaving nothing out. Tis not healthy.

Eibhlin :weep:

23-05-07, 20:23
I couldve picked more than one choice too....at the moment I'm an emotional wreck:weep: and the strangest things set me off...I do feel ashamed, always have, ever since I was a child. I think it does release the anxiety though and I calm down afterwards.

Jaco...you must cry lots then:winks: (just kidding...I'm a 'Well fan... lol...thats enough to reduce me to hysteria at the moment!)

luv Coni XX

23-05-07, 21:19
I could have picked so many of those options!!
I was brought up - not crying. I HAD to be strong. My hubby and i have been together for over 14 years and up until i became ill two years ago, he only ever saw me cry twice. Twice in over 12 years, huh! Since i've been ill, i've never cried so much in my life. And this past week i have been even worse and at the moment i'm crying at the drop of a hat. Past two days i've done nothing but cry or feel like it if i'm at work! What a mess.

24-05-07, 13:02
I used to cry but since I've been on Prozac it's nigh on impossible unless something really bad happens. Probably not a good thing!

Kay x

25-05-07, 13:35
Very interesting post Mirry,

I chose that I feel ashamed when I cry. I can't cry infront of people, I have came close but never can. I can cry in front of my mum, but no-one else. It's really strange as my mum cries all the time infront of anyone, yet I can't. My therapist even picked up on this that he has seen me a lot now, but has never seen me cry. He said I'm not able to get in touch with my feelings, but the thing is that's not easy when I have tried to avoid theses feelings my whole life.

Anyway, good post :)

Lou xxx

25-05-07, 13:43
I only cry when i'm really despondant,which is rare as i'm the eternal optimist.Sometimes i wish i could cry more as its a great release for anything that is troubling you but it never happens for me.


25-05-07, 17:42
If I have a bad panic attack then that is really the only outward sign other people see.

I can and do cry quite abit now I come think of it - but I don't think inappropriatly like. I cry because I am touched by allsorts of stuff - to things I watch on telly, or things I read etc etc, or sometimes from simple fear.

One weird thing though is I seem to try and contain myself at things like funerals, or where lots of people are crying incase I am needed to help anyone! Somehow seeing everybody crying almost negates the need for me to do it also - almost like I too am crying but by proxy!!

Piglet :flowers:

26-05-07, 09:07
Piglet, I heard you cry like a baby when the pringles run out ;)

26-05-07, 10:08
Ahhh Jaco now that is a completely different matter hun and far too serious a topic for me to discuss here - the very thought brings on a swoon.

Piglet puts the back of her hand to her brow and drapes over the computer chair in a massive swoon - thankfully a snack size pack of pringles is to hand and one is placed under the tongue to bring about swift recovery!:yesyes:

Now go and get practising for the quiz - I of course don't need to!!!

Piglet rules!!! :lisa:

26-05-07, 20:13
somtimes i wish i could cry when i feel really sad

28-05-07, 07:14
I do when I feel mixed up and confused over a stressful life event. It's a kind of relief afterwards and in some ways I am pleased that I still can. It makes me feel more human. I find it hard to do in company and only when I'm with someone I feel I can trust.
Being a man it's not easy to deal with an emotion that can indicate or broadcast vulnerability. Some people may view it as weakness or an opportunity to take advantage. It's a male dilemma and a difficult one to resolve...

At the very least it can be better to let some of it out through tears rather than bottling it all up and poisoning yourself through resentment or bitterness

Take care everyone and stay human...

29-05-07, 18:34
I tend to feel teary a lot of the time which often results in them overflowing without me controlling my actions. The other day i was sitting on the train coming back from London listening to my iPod and all of a sudden my eyes filled with water to the point where i couldn't control them and then overran with tears, people were watching but i couldn't care, i couldn't help it, if only they knew how i felt inside they would understand...xx

30-05-07, 12:53
I'll cry a little over sad movies or songs but when it comes to anything really emotional in my life I can't seem to cry. I never cry in front of others as I feel it's showing a weaker part of me that I don't like many people too see.

05-06-07, 04:12
I think that part of the reason I have anxiety is because I need to feel in control of everything and of course that just isn't possible so I get anxious. I think that crying and letting that out is far better for a person's overall health then keeping it bottled up and letting it settle inside.

08-06-07, 03:15
I haven't cried for nearly 3 years, since I split with my last girlfriend, I've felt like I need to cry since, but never been able to. I sort of feel that crying would release a lot of the tension in me, but it never happens. I'm not ashamed of crying, just incapable at the moment, it would seem.

08-06-07, 09:18
Robin, I was like that when my nan died, we were very close and yet I couldnt cry at all, I just felt like I had a lump in my throat all the time.
Then my panic attacks started.

Ive notised from the poll so far that alot of us are saying when we cry our anxietys go away, which sort of makes me think.....
maybe we should be crying more often ?
Maybe our anxietys are pent up emotions ?

08-06-07, 09:19
also , I find that sometimes I start to cry then stop myself because the kids might see me crying . Holding it in or holding it back cant be good.

08-06-07, 09:42
I cry much less than i used to. I pretty much sobbed every day for years for many different reasons. i was sensitive and emotional. But now, even though
things are not that great, I dont cry as often. Its like im more accepting of situations now. I feel quite numb sometimes, infact. Maybe thats a form of depression, I dont know.

I do cry when i am anxious or after a particulary bad anxiety attack. It feels like a release and makes me feel better.


08-06-07, 12:54
I dont mind anyone seeing me cry (most of the time theres no one around anyway) but after a cry i always seem to feel alot better :) i find if im down and cry it helps a bit :)

08-06-07, 12:58
I cry a lot! When things really get on top of me and i feel there is no way out of the agoraphobia hell, then i'll cry.....and cry....and cry! I don't mind if people see me, its just another emotion and i am NOT ashamed of showing my emotions.


09-06-07, 00:16
I rarely cry outwardly even when I feel a lot of inner despair or distress.

I think not being able to show emotion stems from my childhood when I was told to shut up and be quiet and taught it was bad and wrong to show or talk about feelings.

The challenge for me is learning to change the way I deal with my emotions as I tend to take things out against myself.


18-06-07, 15:12
I do cry but when I'm on my own and then it won't be for long....
I feel I'm failing in some way.
I didn't cry at my Mums or Dads funeral....waited till I got home and on my own again...So I don't cry infront of my 2 children or my hubby

29-06-07, 10:49
I used to cry all the time but now It's probably a couple of times a year. It does make me wonder if that's why i've started to feel panicky because i'm unable to show my emotions and it all builds up and comes out as panic and depression.

29-06-07, 17:41
I feel like crying sometimes but simply cannot do it unless I force it out, then I cry for ages thinking about all the things in my past I should of cried about but could not

29-06-07, 18:28
Ive managed to cry so much today , once this morning and twice this afternoon, I actually felt very depressed whils ti was crying and thinking very negatively, i was thinking how my children would be better off living with my husband and me living somewhere else cos i feel like a failure in life.
I go up and down alot.

29-06-07, 18:36
I cry when it all overwhelms me then I feel better... it's a release I suppose, and crying never did hurt anyone :blush:

30-06-07, 23:37
I cry a lot, most days in fact, I sometimes cry when I'm happy, like when my son bought home his school report yesterday I was so proud of him and it made me think that I haven't done such a bad job after all but mostly I cry because I feel so hopeless and that I have no future, I feel so low and I usually just take myself off into the garden and have a good cry :weep:

05-07-07, 08:09
I used to cry a lot, almost every day. I didn't think of it as a bad thing, I'm just very emotional, and crying was a way to release any emotions, happy or sad. I didn't like doing it in front of people though- I think it's because my Dad seems to look down on people for crying. I've never seen him cry. Oh well, I don't care too much what he thinks.
But, since I started anti depressants, now I don't cry at all. It kind of bothers me actually.

09-02-08, 17:00
This post is significant to me. However, just realised that its very old.

I cry - panics make me feel like crying - I hate it. Anyone else feel this way.

09-02-08, 21:11
I have cried before but very rarely, I assume it is because I am a male that i find it difficult to cry on demand. May be I bottle up those emotions and release it in small amounts of anger.

I will say I felf much better after a good cry, anx and all.


10-02-08, 10:42
I answered 'once a year'. It seems that since my mum died in 2000 my emotions have 'shut down'. It's almost as if I have no feelings, good or bad, happy or sad.

Since my brother went into hospital in December I have actually cried 4 or five times but that is only when another family member becomes tearful in front of me. My emotions seem to be under secure lock and key

Strange things, tears and emotions.

Take care

10-02-08, 10:46
Crying is a good release for me but sometimes I nearly do it in public which is embarrassing and I have to wait until I get home.

I do cry to my b/f sometimes but I think it gets on his nerves so I find I cry on my own just to let feelings out.

Jo xxxxx

10-02-08, 10:58
I think its good you bought this post back to our attention Yvonne :yesyes: ,
I spent about 20 mins yesturday moprning crying and feeling sorry for myself :blush: . I can cry easily but i never used to be like this , infact I used to be strong inside:ohmy: . Its amazing how much we can change , now days if i watch the news i cry , if i have a panic attack I want to cry and often do.

I think its the feeling of being out of control with your self or your life that makes us like this. Cos i feel i have no control of the way i feel which is horrible.

10-02-08, 15:36
I always found it embarrassing if I broke to tears and had to hide away to cry. It made me feel less of a man...... It was only in the presence of those very close and trusted that I would cry and even now I hide my tears. I know its good to cry and I know that I should sometimes but I cannot get away from that socialised behavious pattern I learned as a boy.....you know the one....Big boys dont cry.

10-02-08, 17:40
Hi All

Mirry - I personally didn't bring the post back actually. I logged on yesterday and there it was. I actually didn't realise it was an old post and I just posted on the thread. I then realised it was an old one.

However, I am interested to hear people's feelings towards crying and if they do or if they don't. Particularly pleased with what you said Mirry cos I just feel like I am a weak woman when I get these little crying episodes.

Good thread and I hope lots more people message on it.

Love to all xxxx

Eva May
11-02-08, 17:08
In the last year or so my emotions seems out control, like right on the surface so I cry a lot!! I wish that I didn't cry so much but it has to be done sometimes doesn't it? I don't mind crying in front of people but I try to be as discreet as possible if I'm in public and I can't help it

12-02-08, 00:26
I cry every few days, but I sadly suffer from depression so that's why really.
I don't mind at home, but I can't stand to in public!

12-02-08, 01:07
I find it quite hard to cry in front of other people, but I do cry about once a month and it's like a release valve!

15-02-08, 14:45
i try make sure no one see's me cry :(

31-05-08, 01:16
I am the oppostie!

I cry at pratically every film I see! If it is fun, if it is sad, if it is insperational - I'll always find a reason to cry!! My kids laughed when I cried at Bratz the movie cause I thought It was sad when they lost touch and then I thought it was great when they became friends again!:shrug:

It is how you approach it - my work colleuges find it funny that I am so upbeat and on the other hand so emotionaal! It is the case of not being to hard on yourself!

I openly admit that I cry at the daftest things and although people often view me as a strong character they also know i will blub when the occassion arises! Don't get me wrong! I do not spend every day in tears - I just admit when I find things moving!!

Do not be shakeled by your past - in generations gone by it was a weakness to show any emotion - those days are far gone! a well rounded person now can show appropriate emotion and strength at the same time.

Denise x

31-05-08, 06:29
I think it's cathartic to cry, but like Phil (just read his post after I thought I'd reply) I just can't cry.

31-05-08, 17:06
i dont know if its the drugs iam on but i dont cry [duloxeitine , diazapam ]

31-05-08, 19:33
Hi all

yep unfortunately Im one for crying alot, mainly with anxiety which can be everyday, but i guess at least im letting out an emotion.

take care

01-06-08, 01:53
If I can make a persons eyes well up, I know I've touched their heart so I've achieved my ultimate goal.

I'm a very emotional person too. I am easily moved and wil cry when upset. I feel ashamed by it but I can't control it or stop being what makes me who I am. I often have a cry, especially at night because then I feel I can with no one knowing.

01-06-08, 18:41
i cry all the time about it. People tell me to stop being so silly and get over myself, but its impossible, living with this scars you for life, the feelings never really completely go away..
i think its fine to have a good cry, i just dont like people to know what im crying about!:blush:

23-10-08, 18:29
I couldn't cry for a long time. Kinda the same as someone above, that I was raised to not show emotions. Then I slowly started crying, but mostly for myself, while I was alone. I've not been able to since started SSRI's, which can be frustrating.

I tend to hide it, but I love a good cry.

24-10-08, 08:52
I put that I cry every day.

The strange thing with me is that I can cry at just about anything ie the cancer research advert breaks my heart!! All you have to say to me is 'don't forget your hanky' and I'm a wreck! OR Titanic the film, the story of teern a'nog, the story the mother tells to her kids when their trapped and the ship is sinking, that just breaks my heart!! I'm welling up now!

BUT I don't seem to cry with personal problems, recently my brother-in-law passed away and I do feel sad and with christmas coming up fast I feel so sad for my niece, nephew and sister but for some reason can't cry....

I'm just a weirdo obv....tell me something we all didn't know!! lol

Diane O'Brien
17-11-08, 17:20
I do cry a lot and the more I fight it the more it :doh: comes out. I feel my throat go tight and I cant swallow. I cant understand why I am more tearful then most people and wish I was more in control. After a cry though my anxieties are not as bad and the churning in my stomach stops.

17-11-08, 18:13
Diane it's the body's natural way of lessening the anxiety. I cry, not so much now cos I tend to hold it in (which isn't good) - the tight throat is nasty. You just have a good cry and let it all out. xxx

17-11-08, 18:57
I cry more or less everyday xx

Natural Mystic
18-11-08, 19:45
I find that most of the time I just can't cry though it feels like I need to. Sometimes I feel that if I do I'll never stop.

Howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on the occasion that I have cried, it feels like such a relief.

19-11-08, 01:08
Yes, many a time and have done in public too. Every night I go to bed there is a waterfall I contain, a dark cloud filled with raindrops I try to dry before they land and an empty void filled with rivers that have flowed for countless years.

I cry for sadness, I cry for pain, I cry when I'm moved, I cry when i see beauty, I cry when I see love and I cry at peoples and animals suffering. I just wish I could keep control of my emotions for when no one can see.

And yet, I often saw my father cry for often the same reasons and he was twice my age. I greatly admired him but I can't about myself because he was a better man than I can ever hope to be. See, here I go again!:weep: :hugs:

19-11-08, 02:17
I never cry. I hate it when I do and when I do cry it's usually when I've been drinking. I don't like to lose control of myself like that.

Natural Mystic
19-11-08, 07:09
I cry for sadness, I cry for pain, I cry when I'm moved, I cry when i see beauty, I cry when I see love and I cry at peoples and animals suffering. I just wish I could keep control of my emotions for when no one can see.

!:weep: :hugs:
Oh yes I do all that, just can#t cry for self

19-11-08, 18:37
Oh Bill

Now you know me ---- that has made me feel as if I am going to cry. It was so so lovely especially the bit that Mystic has highlighted above.

Bill - you are a Prince among men xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-11-08, 03:35

You'll set me off again with your kindness!:weep: :) I've been feeling very emotional lately, mainly due to a low mood.

I was thinking yesterday that it can be so easy to forget the human being behind the typed words. Words can't always convey our emotions and feelings or the way we truly feel inside, and not all of us feel free to bear our feelings on here or know the words to use to express how we feel so we can't always see within the human being or what they really go through on a daily basis.

To picture a woman sitting indoors in silence beside a window pane with raindrops running down the glass outside which mirror her tears as they slowly fall over her soft cheeks. To see the pain and sadness in her eyes that reflect in the light as the world goes on outside and all around her.

To see a woman walking in a shop with fear in her eyes at all those crowding around her who don't even notice her standing alone in desperate need of comfort and support.

To see the man walking along the dark street under the lamplight, not wanting to be at work but neither wanting to go home because his fear follows him wherever he goes.

To picture the face of a person full of unspoken words that say more than the fearful look in their eyes. To see them alone in their houses by day and by night trapped by their feelings contemplating their worries, sitting invisible to all outside.

We type our words on here but we are faceless with no smiles, laughter or tears with our true emotions hidden but in our "silent words" there is always a "human being" who when they log out and switch off their pc goes back to their "silent world" full of fear and sadness.

This site is like a window with raindrops sliding down the pane where there is a refection into others lives who also live with their emotions sitting by their windows in their silent worlds with their silent words but who are also "human beings" with invisible faces who have feelings that only they can truly feel.

Crying can be a release but when there is no one to provide comfort to stop the flow, the tears can feel they will never stop so often we keep them bottled and live our lives in pretending we are "ok" when inside we are the "human being" sitting alone by the window pane watching the raindrops falling. :hugs:

22-11-08, 09:26

My dearest Bill your words are beautiful my friend you are a genius with words so poetic. You are so wasted, the above post is truly beautiful. You describe the way us sufferers feel touches me because of its' the way it is for so many people.

Please email me soon. xxx

22-11-08, 23:34
Hi Bill :D :hugs:

You have a gift hun, a gift of words, I do feel, your like this in life too, outside cyber space. Your threads always inpsire me, this one made me cry. It tells alot of truths in how people suffer and suffer in silance, :weep:

Thank you Bill, not just for this reply, but for ALL other things you have written on this site. YOU ARE a special person, NEVER forget that.



23-11-08, 13:45
well done bill
you do have a special gift. that was beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. i think crying clears the windows of the heart.
love debera
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

23-11-08, 14:41
I picked in my childhood I was made to feel ashamed if I cried. My stepdad would often laugh at me if I cried and if I tried to talk to my Mam about my problems she would just tell me that that was life and to get over it. I've only ever seen my Mam cry once. I only sometimes show emotion in front of my Fiance. I can't really explain how I feel to him I find it really difficult.

24-11-08, 18:29
I really do have to start a Bill fanclub on here.

25-11-08, 00:11
I will cry maybe once or twice a month usually, but I can also just break down when things get too much for me to handle. There is no shame in crying. It's a natural emotion.

25-11-08, 01:17
When I start to cry it usually means my massive panic attack is coming to an end, its a big release for me. When I'm in the grip of a panic attack I can barely speak or move let alone cry.

It usually helps me feel loads better after, then I will get goose bumps and then I know the attack is well and truly over, then it is time for deep sleeps.

25-11-08, 02:46
Thank you for your Very kind words.:hugs: I just can't see myself as you think of me though as I have so many weaknesses and most of my time is spent "alone". I honestly admire others on here much more because I feel you do so much more than me.

I think we all cry at some point or another but it isn't always visible so often no one can really see how low someone feels until the feelings explode and it takes everyone by surprise.

Also alot of peoples suffering is invisible to others because often we're all going about our own lives and thinking our own thoughts so we fail to notice clues to peoples true feelings. It's no ones fault though.

I remember once I was talking to a woman who cared for her young son. He suffered a genetic terminal illness so he would never reach adulthood. He was playing at the time we were talking when she said to me that he told her one day that when he was older he wouldn't want to have children. She kept a straight face but I knew him saying this must have caused her so much pain. She was surprised I could tell because she tried to keep her pain hidden. I'm sure Alot of people on here would have also seen her pain too. She felt uncomfortable after that though because she felt I could see right through her.

It's a curious thing how we don't like others to see our pain. We like to try to hide behind barriers and to only cry when we're alone when no one can see. We won't allow others to provide comfort and maybe that's because we all feel ashamed of feeling weak when feeling and showing emotion is perfectly natural.

Sometimes it's so difficult to show love and "care" because there are often barriers people put up in defence. I feel I'm the opposite though and I've been told I shouldn't be because people can't understand it. I just feel like an open book and anyone is welcome to turn my pages to read all about me. I always feel that if we remain a closed book, no one can see our pain but I know that's why people stay closed to protect themselves because they fear pain so much. I do feel though that if emotions are left in a closed book, the book will always hold a sad story because the feelings can never heal because no one is allowed to hold the book with the loving tender touch it needs to feel whole. I'd rather keep seeking healing than live in sad solitude.

Sadly though, past bad experiences will always make a book wary of opening because it feels too vulnerable not knowing whose eyes it will be allowing to read it's pages. I just think it's a sad world we live in because it means we all live as books in a locked bookcase not allowing anyone to flicker through peoples beautiful pages because we fear everyone is the same. However, it's only when a book opens that you often find a hidden treasure such as most people on here.:hugs:

25-11-08, 04:22
This is the Real me.


But this is what I hold on to.:hugs:


25-11-08, 17:04
thanyou Bill - you know exactly what to say - at the right time - and in the right place - this website is your family - and we all love your wise words - thankyou! Wenjoy x

27-11-08, 05:25
Just wanted to say thank you Wenjoy.:hugs: I'm glad my words are loved even if I can't be even by me.:hugs:

27-11-08, 06:16
Hi there,
It is crazy how well crying releases the anxiety. I don't know what to say to you who have a hard time crying. I'm sorry for you because letting out your emotions is hard to do but important. I am just now gaining personal insight to how much i bottle up my emotions and am ashamed to let them show in front of people. Maybe this came from constant high expectaions from my family coupled with a people pleasing and highly sensative personality. I think crying is a huge part of forgiving yourself. Its like you finally realize that its ok to be upset when things are upseting and your body just lets the hurt go.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for finding this site.

04-12-08, 01:11
Maybe Im going about it all wrong. I see me crying as only adding to my problems, I feel weak in a sense so I avoid it at all costs. Ive kind of become a bit hardened to it all.

05-12-08, 15:43
I cry when I have an attack. Because its too much for me.
I cry during sad movies too.
I warn you dont get near the movie 'the notebook'. It is a killer for sadness :(

06-12-08, 01:23
the old couple really do get to you.

eternally optimistic
10-12-08, 08:47
Hi yah

I never ever cry, well cant remember last time I did....

I dont think thats right, lots of emotions like crying and excitement seem to have faded away...

22-12-08, 00:50
I almost never cry. This is not because I am ashamed to cry; but I don't know if I can when I need to.

I am a 59 year old man. We men are trained not to cry. We are trained to be angry instead; and I know in my head that anger is a mask for fear and grieving.

I think it would do me good to cry; but I am not certain how to anymore. :weep:

05-02-09, 20:01
It takes alot for me to cry. I find that I do not like to show my tears unless I am extremely angry.
I find that if I cry during & after a panic attack, I feel a bit better.

19-02-09, 03:52
Crying over anxiety is negative.You will never defeat it being negative.