View Full Version : Helloo there.

23-12-13, 16:17
Hello everyone, umm I'm new here and just thought I'd say hello, I've been reading through the posts on here for a week or two though :)

I've suffered from social anxiety for around three years now, and only recently in the past month Health anxiety. which after a blood test, hours of looking through symptoms and being persuaded by my psychiatrist that this is just anxiety and stress I ended up here. This Christmas has shaped up to be my worst, I just feel so alone and tired and in constant conflict with myself, I guess I just came here for reassurance as people seem to have had enough of giving it to me at home. I've just had enough of being tired, and being full of tension and headaches. I just want to feel better.. I may be starting medication soon but I really dont want to as I've always been a little bit of a hippy and prefer the natural approach to things.

Anyway sorry for the fairly long post,
Have an amazing Christmas everyone :)

23-12-13, 16:53
Hello Luna
welcome aboard,dont worry about going on meds we all need a little help in this world at times
good luck :)

23-12-13, 18:23
Hello, I know that but I guess I'm just a little anxious of the side effects :l

25-12-13, 13:51
Welcome to the site!

Christmas / new year is probably the time of year most people with anxiety or depression find the hardest, myself included. I hope youre doing ok and maybe even enjoying yourself a bit!

25-12-13, 14:00
Welcome Luna....above replies say it all. Steve:)

25-12-13, 18:31
Hi Luna and :welcome: to the forum some meds don't have much in the way of side effects, others do for a little while till your body get used to them. But its a much needed lift out of a horrible place and then you can start to look to the future.