View Full Version : Fast heart rate?

23-12-13, 16:31
Hello, I was diagnosed with health anxiety in August this year mainly focusing on my heart. With help through CBT and hypnotherapy i made progress and for the last month i had been feeling really good, i'd stopped symptom checking and stopped checking my pulse. In this time i had no chest pain and no fast heart rate from what i remember.

On Monday this week however my heart started racing higher than it's ever been, my anxious heart rate is usually around 90-96, and during this episode with was around 115. I realise due to the panic it would have stayed like this for longer or maybe even gone faster but it was scary all the same.

It happened again yesterday when i was going out for a meal with friends, i stuck through it however even after coming back home it remained around 96 - 106 even after much of the anxiety had gone.

Both times i had just eaten so i was thinking maybe something to do with digestion but obviously can't help but go back to negative thinking of heart related problems.

I had an ECG on Tuesday and that seemed fine, i visited my GP who didn't think it was concerning and just advised to stop taking my pulse again etc

Anyone else here with similar things or anyone that can offer any advice? I'm a bit scared it's going to happen on Christmas and ruin my day,


23-12-13, 17:20
Hi Chris, it sounds like you've been working hard with your CBT and other tools, so first off well done for that :)

It's natural to have blips sometimes, but this time you have some tools to help you so you won't dip back down into the same place and it sounds like you're being very rational about what happened.

Was the fast heart rate triggered after eating in particular?

23-12-13, 18:42

thanks for your reply, the first time was after eating, the last time i couldn't tell as didn't want to look strange taking my pulse whilst out eating. I took it when i got back in which is how i got the reading. It certainly felt like it was going faster than a usual anxiety attack before i'd eaten the second time though.

I did also mention to my doctor that i'd been reading about SVT's and he said it wasn't that it was sinus tachycardia and like i said doesn't seem too phased.

I do find it difficult to accept medical reassurance for some reason
