View Full Version : Help please having anxiety attack

23-12-13, 16:59
Hi I'm really panicking.. I was just sat down and my heart started racing for no apparent reason.
I got up and started pacing myself trying to calm myself down and I checked my pulse and it was going faster and I started to panic. My ears were going hotter and now I have gas built up inside me.
My chest feels tight and like it's burning, please help this has been going on for about 45mins and I can't seem to calm myself down.
I keep checking my pulse and it doesn't seem to be going lower
Is this a panic attack or heart attack?
My pulse has been around 96 for ages now
I'm breathing into a paper bag but im panicking like mad I'm having a heart attack.

I don't know what brought this upon me because I was just chilling doing nothing and bam wasn't even thinking about anything either.

Any please, just need a chat and some reassurance.

23-12-13, 17:12
You still there RVP?

23-12-13, 17:15
I'm here, I've been toilet 3x now since I started panicking for a wee. :(

23-12-13, 17:16
That's totally normal, I've been there in the middle of a panic too, it seems that you can spend most of the time panicking in the loo lol.

How are you feeling, has your panic reduced any?

23-12-13, 17:19
It has, I'm just sat here now and I am feeling a less panicky although, the chest tightness still remains :(
I had 3 spoons of gaviscone when I was feeling gassed up.
My heart rate is still up too

23-12-13, 17:22
I'm glad you've reduced the anxiety a bit, that's a good first step. The gaviscon sounds like it was a good plan, some of this may have been acid reflux.

Tell me, was it after eating that your heart rate went up? Or when you sat down did you sit in a way that would kind of crunch or squash your stomach up a bit?

23-12-13, 17:24
Nope I hadn't eaten anything.
I started burping and got gassed up when I started panicking.
Then my chest started getting tight and a hot feeling.
Do you think it's anything to worry about?
I'm so fed up with this, I haven't been thinking about anything either and I get so anxious because my heart rate was up.

23-12-13, 17:30
I don't believe it's anything worrying RVP, it just sounds like you had some reflux and this is very likely the cause of the high heart rate.

This happens to me all the time, I get fast rates and palpitations from reflux because basically the lid on my stomach is weak which makes it really easy for acid to come out and cause irritation to nerves in the area! I used to get anxious about it until I had an explanation for what was happening, now it's just a nuisance but it doesn't scare me.

If you're concerned about it then a docs visit would be a good idea, but to me it sounds like reflux problems bringing on your symptoms which caused the panic.

Do you have any tools you can use to help stop panic attacks? I can give you some tips if you like? I haven't had a panic in years since I learned how to stop them :)

23-12-13, 17:35
Yes please, some tools would be good.

I'm still feeling anxious right now as my heart rate is still high.

I don't think it was acid as I never had any symptoms before, it all literally happened in the space of 10minutes.
I was sat down at the computer and all of a sudden I checked my pulse and my heart was going quite fast, I then went downstairs to watch TV and checked it again and it was still fast, so I went walking and during my walk my ears and whole body was feeling warm so I went outside and took some deep breaths, during this time I was drinking normal dilutable orange juice.
The I started burping and feeling as if I was going to throw up, and during this time my chest was feeling tight and hot.

It's taken me about an hour to calm myself down to this level but even then I don't feel 100% calm my heart rate is still up and a raise in my heart rate will send me through panic mode again.

You know you mentioned a docs visit? do you mean going to ER right now?

23-12-13, 17:43
I'm here, I've been toilet 3x now since I started panicking for a wee. :(

Hey RVP,

That's just your body reacting to the panic attack. It's a flight response in which we evacuate liquid and otherwise so we can get away quicker. Actually a primitive physical response to threats that goes back to the beginnings of mankind. Ever wonder where the saying "Scared the shit out of me" came from"?

Hope you're feeling better

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 17:53
Ok first step, and not just in this occasion, stop checking your heart rate.

I'm not certain here but it seems to me that checking your pulse was what triggered the panic? 96 seems high, but really it's not that high. Your heart rate will vary all over the place throughout the day. Checking it is behaviour that will only lead to anxiety.

The reason your heart rate still seems high is because the hormone adrenaline is rushing around your body after your panic attack. That's totally normal, as you begin to calm down so will your heart rate.

So step 1 - absolutely no more checking your heart rate, you have to stick to this if you want to feel better

Step 2 - 7/11 breathing: breathe in for 7 counts, hold your breath for 2 counts, and breathe out for 11 counts. Do this for about 5 mins and focus on your breathing that whole time. It will change the levels of different gasses in your body to ones that will help you relax.

Step 3 - EFT tapping. This is a strange looking tapping technique that can cut off a panic attack before it happens, since I learned it a few years ago I haven't had a full blown attack. Here's a video to teach you how to do it: http://youtu.be/ZeYkItpMkoQ

Step 4 - make yourself a cup of a warm calming drink like chamomile tea or warm milk, absolutely no caffeine. Sip on it slowly while you do step five.

Step 5 - put on a DVD, TV show or YouTube video that makes you laugh and watch it for the next 30 mins. The laughter will naturally release endorphins that will help you feel better.

Step 6 - after watching something to make you laugh for a while get up and continue on with your day, or call someone for a chat. Go out for a walk maybe. Do something to distract with yourself.

You have to make sure that you don't check your heart rate again!!

23-12-13, 17:57
Thanks I will take on your advice :)
I was sat down just now and even when I'm watching a movie I can feel my heart pulsating and thumping in my chest :(
That alone raises it even if I'm not checking it.

I'm having some chamomile citrus herbal tea right now
that 7 breaths in and 11 out.. I don't quite understand it is it 7 sips of breath in and 11 sips blown out?

Also I still haven't stopped going toilet! 4th time now in a matter of 30mins.

23-12-13, 18:13
It's one long breath that you take in as you count to seven, and one long out breath for 11 counts. The idea is that your out breath is longer than your in breath, and you count at a regular rate.

Going to the toilet is still normal, it's all down to the stress hormones that have been released in your body, it will take a few hours for all of that to go away. You may even still feel a bit off tomorrow.

Did you watch the EFT video?

23-12-13, 18:27
I did watch it but I didn't listen to it all as you said it was to prevent a panic attack rather than stopping one.

But I have definitely calmed down considerably..
But when I do I can be doing literally nothing and my heart rate will start thumping through my chest, to an extent where I can actually feel it.

23-12-13, 18:31
No the EFT can be used at any stage in a panic attack, it's to stop an attack. Watch the video and learn the technique by heart, it is the most effective tool I've ever learned in dealing with panic.

You can use EFT to work through any levels of anxiety or emotional upset, or to work through issues that are playing on your mind.

23-12-13, 20:54
I followed the video and I didn't think it did much for me... maybe I need to try it a few times?

for about 2 hrs now doing things to take my mind off things.
Now my chest feels hot and burning again which I'm pretty sure is going up to my throat but mostly chest. So I guess it is GERD/heartburn too?