View Full Version : any ideas ? Pain down left arm

23-12-13, 18:26
Hi everyone I hope you are well !

I promised myself I would let go of my anxiety even if it was just for a day and get festive ! However just my luck , I have been suffering painful back ache ( upper and spreading to neck ) for the past week it got worse this morning !

Of course being terrified of lymphoma for a ridiculous 22 months I panicked and thought it was another symptom ! The back ache has released slightly however I am getting a concerning pain down my left arm ?

I know no one can diagnose me but rational me wants to think trapped nerve and this explains back ache too ?

Irrational Gemma is saying its a sign of lymphoma and you probably won't make Christmas lol !

Thanks guys

23-12-13, 18:35
Irrational Gemma is saying its a sign of lymphoma and you probably won't make Christmas lol!

What does "rational" Gemma say? ;)

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 18:44
Haha fishmanpa rational Gemma says " stop being so stupid it's probably a pinched nerve as you have been waiting for these huge swollen lymph nodes to appear for two years so your doctor will believe u . Get over it " ��☺️

23-12-13, 18:55
Haha fishmanpa rational Gemma says " stop being so stupid it's probably a pinched nerve as you have been waiting for these huge swollen lymph nodes to appear for two years so your doctor will believe u . Get over it " ��☺️

~lol~ Well there you go! ;) Thanks for being honest with the answer and I'm glad it made you smile :) I heard "irrational" Gemma hangs around with the Grinch so don't let her mess with you on Christmas!

Positive thoughts!

23-12-13, 20:03
Haha she certainly does hang with the grinch a lot more this year !! Will have to watch elf to change my tune :p !!