View Full Version : Why do i feel so ill all of a sudden?

23-12-13, 20:08
Hi guys basically I've been under extreme stress caring for my grandparents for full time of the last 6 months, 3 weeks ago on friday my grandad passed away from cancer, but this past week i have just felt sick, literally sick, i don't actually throw up but i cough like I'm some kind of old man n it makes me feel so sick, almost like there is something in my throat making me heave. also my head as felt very strange the last week, not a headache, but a strange sensation to the skin, almost like its starting to go numb or swollen but it isn't numb as i can feel everything and also it isn't swollen. i just can't understand it, its not the anxiety feeling that I'm used to what so ever, i just feel so run down its un real. like theres a cold or flu coming but it just won't come. my hands keep feeling very hot and again a strange dry sensation to the skin. i mean in terms of grieving...is this it? i mean i had my moments the first couple of days after he died to myself but in general i have just been getting on with things, i still have a couple of minutes cry every few days when I'm alone but thats it. i can't figure it out.....anyway its his funeral tomorrow and we are having a massive naval funeral with the flag over his coffin, a standard bearer, the last post etc....it will be nice, i mean I'm obviously not looking forward to it, no1 does, but i didn't think i was anxious about it....could it be affecting me more than i thought?

Mr Mannering
23-12-13, 20:24
I reacted the same way as this after my mother passed away. I would say it's something like amplified anxiety. I was dizzy, tingling all over felt like I was walking on clouds. She died in my arms and truth is I wasn't handling it well despite the fact I thought I was. To be honest I never suffered anxiety prior to that so I literally thought I was also dying. My advice is take your time don't rush and don't give yourself unnecessary stress. I beleive this is normal. Sometimes you look at other people who have been through this and you think they are ok. This just adds to the stress of how you feel you should be able to cope. You'll be fine in the end.

23-12-13, 20:25
Quite probably. Grief is a very personal thing and everyone reacts differently. I lost my ex earlier this year and, although we had been divorced for many years, I was deeply affected by his death. Those last few weeks were truly horrendous. His passing also made my own health anxiety really bad. I have never had such sick headaches as I did at this time. You have been caring for him for many months, which is a wonderful thing to have done. Tomorrow you must try and celebrate his life, as I am sure this is what he would have wished. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve. X

23-12-13, 20:27
I really do think this is affecting you more than you think. For one thing you must be exhausted from all the caring you have been doing and then the sadness and grief from the loss of your Grandad. You must take some time out for your self. Find time to rest and maybe treat yourself to a spa day or something that is just for you.
I know tomorrow won't be an easy day but I hope it ll goes well and will be thinking about you. :hugs::hugs: