View Full Version : Does anyone want to try something with me?

23-12-13, 21:18
I am planning on not looking at my mouth thing for the three days over Xmas.

Please join me in not feeling for lumps, googling, checking pulses, shining torches down throats, looking at your poo, counting how many times you pee, fart and poo. No worrying about eating crap and heart attacks or any of the self reassurance things you do.

Lets give ourselves a few days off.

Anyone willing to join me? if so please report here with how you are holding up to if you get a chance.

It will make me feel better to know that some of us will be fighting the anxiety of not checking together.

23-12-13, 21:37
I'm very willing to try my best to not do any of my reassurance checking behaviors. As if we can stop them, we wont need to do them and wont find anything to over think.
Let's go for it, we can do it! :)

23-12-13, 21:41
me too..just want a normal christmas...happy christmas to all xx

23-12-13, 21:43
i'm willing to give it a try...i had to laugh though...just before you posted this, there i was in the bathroom shining a flashlight down my throat...lol...also had my wife taking a look earlier in the day...but i'm in...hopefully this will help..thx for posting the challenge

23-12-13, 21:45
i'm willing to give it a try...i had to laugh though...just before you posted this, there i was in the bathroom shining a flashlight down my throat...lol...also had my wife taking a look earlier in the day...but i'm in...hopefully this will help..thx for posting the challenge

I did that this morning and afternoon. :D

Maybe if we can manage a few days we can start to fight it for good too.

23-12-13, 21:50
I hope so Hypo...good luck

23-12-13, 21:50
yes me too. i have had a cold and think i have swollen nodes either side of my jaw ..but could be muscles i am feeling as they are in the same place both sides..dr says nothing to worry about and my fbc was fantastic all spot on..so now i need to stop poking..and believe the 3 drs that have checked them.so i will try my very ,very hardest,,,xx

23-12-13, 21:51
Deal... no poking or prodding or shining torches into dark places unless it's with my girlfriend! ;)

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 21:53
that could be fun fishman..need to try that with hubby lol x

23-12-13, 21:58
that could be fun fishman..need to try that with hubby lol x

That's the spirit! "Honey... let me check you for lumps" ;)

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 22:01
haha really liked that fishman...think i am on my way to beating this HA..my dr has high hopes i will believe her this time..x

23-12-13, 22:10
Count me in :-) x

23-12-13, 22:23
Yay everyone! check in won't you?

I am not going to prod or poke my husband either.

23-12-13, 22:38
haha really liked that fishman...think i am on my way to beating this HA..my dr has high hopes i will believe her this time..x

Great to hear GLady! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

23-12-13, 23:21
she says I have to look at my life and be thankful that I have not got anything seriously wrong. Had a virus last week and my glands were slightly raised..but I got to stop poking them or they won't go down. Also I have a tmj problem which makes my muscles in my jaw sore hence I think what I feel is muscular as its same both sides. Just had new grandson this year so now I got to start to enjoy him and not feel fear so much--and hubby god bless him has been fab. so I have so much in my life I don't have room for this HA..hope you have great Christmas fish man..and as you say positive thoughts and belief in my gp
..god bless..Gina x

24-12-13, 07:29
Hi Hypo,

I'm definitely in on that! No more prodding my stomach for me - well for a few days anyway.

I know it's only a few hours in but how are you doing? Any recent checks (be honest!) :D

24-12-13, 08:13
Have resisted checking this morning so far.


24-12-13, 08:46
im in!

24-12-13, 08:50
Well done Gina. I too have resisted but I think only because I've made myself mop and buff every floor in the house instead!

Oh well, every cloud..... :)

24-12-13, 09:03
Well. I almost checked but didn't.

Getting anxious.

24-12-13, 09:10
It's the "but didn't" bit that counts!

Have you got any last minute shopping to do? I find I'm so much worse if I'm indoors. It's a lot harder to keep checking in a crowded public placed (although believe me I have - embarrassing!)

Stay strong, it was your brilliant idea that started this non-checking Christmas period. Don't let us down at the first hurdle! :hugs:

24-12-13, 09:39
I am doing good with trying not to Google or checking daily mail online health section.
However I have had a quick feel round feeling my bones. checking my NF lump. A look at my urine in the bowl this morning.
Done the last bit we need just to help my parents milk and bread even though we got our meals for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

24-12-13, 11:00
My darn period is 7 days late.

NOT pregnant, so hoping it is just stress.

I won't let you down :) If my kids can get through this Xmas I can get through it without checking.

Lots of baking to do today. Sadly no money to do any more shopping.

24-12-13, 11:06
I'm in ... is it ok if I join ?
Merry Christmas everyone....lets hope we can have even an anxiety free 5 mins over the festive period.

24-12-13, 11:25
5 minutes.... as long as that? lol x

24-12-13, 11:38
I'm in ... is it ok if I join ?
Merry Christmas everyone....lets hope we can have even an anxiety free 5 mins over the festive period.

Of course it is :)

24-12-13, 16:03
im in too, it will be hard to break the habit though.:)

24-12-13, 20:41
I'm in! Last Xmas was spoilt by my prodding, poking, googling, examining body parts in the mirror, checking whites of eyes for yellowing, looking for changes in poo/wee/tongue colour, checking throat mucus for blood blah blah blah. Not this year! Merry Christmas all x x.

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

Definitely breaking the habit! Started watching Holby City and one of tonight's story lines is a youngish man with pancreatic cancer, one of my HA trigger illnesses. Have switched it off, grabbed a glass of wine and playing a game with my kids instead. Not going to let a silly TV programme spoil my Xmas Eve

24-12-13, 20:54
im in

24-12-13, 21:08
Well. I keep worrying about my upcoming appointing with the mouth specialist.

Wondering what the hell I will do if they give me a biopsy. I just want them to say I don't need one like my GP did.

BUT I have not checked.

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

IFC that started us off crying a bit too.

So we raised a glass to their dad.

25-12-13, 00:12
Im in great idea!

25-12-13, 00:35
BUT I have not checked.

Atta Girl! :yesyes:

I'm thinking I'm gonna have to check my gf for lumps.... "Nudge, nudge, know what I mean? Say no more, say no more"

Positive thoughts

25-12-13, 15:37
I have decided to give Dr Google and Daily Mail health section the day off, I am trying to be less worry about my health, just my bum is a bit hurting, but had it plenty of digital figure exams at the GPs this year with the camera up my backside for the sig camera job (since I worried I had bowel cancer earlier this year because of my abdominal pains, but should have believe it was IBS by my GP.)

---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ----------

I know I want to continue to keep going with no more Daily Mail and Googling after Christmas. I do want to not avoid going to the doctors (GP) if I need to.

I have failed with self checking. and trying not worry as much today even though I have not mention my health worries because it always the same cancer worries etc.

25-12-13, 16:46
I failed :(

25-12-13, 16:57
Epic fail :mad:sitting here with my lovely family. They are all engrossed in a film and I'm googling like mad. Having a horrible fear that this will be my last Xmas. Gone from worrying about Pancreatic C to Bowel C. Had my blood tests back and they were all normal. Should be reassuring but.... Still worrying about stomach pain, loose stools, acid taste in mouth. Wish this fear would go.

25-12-13, 17:10
Epic fail :mad:sitting here with my lovely family. They are all engrossed in a film and I'm googling like mad. Having a horrible fear that this will be my last Xmas. Gone from worrying about Pancreatic C to Bowel C. Had my blood tests back and they were all normal. Should be reassuring but.... Still worrying about stomach pain, loose stools, acid taste in mouth. Wish this fear would go.

If you're gonna Google, Google IBS and Acid Reflux... that's exactly what it sounds like and a classic ailment of anxiety sufferers.

Positive thoughts

25-12-13, 19:16
Thank you Fishmanpa. You are the voice of reason on this forum. My rational side agrees with you but the HA side then takes over.....

26-12-13, 10:14
I am a little late, but I will try anyway :)

26-12-13, 10:46
So trying to continue now with no more daily mail health online and cancer website, I think I have slipped just the once. I cannot still help self examination myself though, checking my poop etc. worrying about my bottom again.

26-12-13, 11:20
Day three here.

I am scared to look now and scared not to.

Tomorrow I gave myself permission to check but because I haven't checked for three days I am scared what I might find.

26-12-13, 14:10
still going...havent touched the flashlight..fingers crossed i can keep it up...

26-12-13, 14:25
I looked :(

OMG Im crying.

I have oral cancer, I know it. The 'sore' looking thing also has a tiny pin prick of a blister next to it and it still hasn't gone.

My dentist has to send me to the hospital tomorrow as an emergency? can't he do that for me? I can't get through the funeral Monday like this.

26-12-13, 15:28
i have been good..have had a lovely christmas with family and now looking forward to new year with my eldest son and wife...feel as though 2014 going to be better ..think believing my drs that i have nothing wrong with me is the only way to go now...gina x

26-12-13, 15:54
So far, so good, still doing some body checks but staying away from Dr Google successfully since yesterday afternoon :)