View Full Version : Feels like something stuck in throat like a crisp

Mrs Anxious
23-12-13, 21:19
Hi all

Having a really bad time right now, had really bad heartburn last night that bought on a panic attack, also had one today driving whilst mother in law was talking about a friend of hers who has cancer and is in hospital
... Just can't deal with anything at the moment.. I have low iron and BP and underactive thyroid doctor has upped thyroxine and I am taking iron supplements just wondered if the change of dose would cause panic and heart palpitations? Also on the left hand side of my throat it feels like there is a Rice Krispie stuck in my throat when I swallow or move my neck, I'm really focusing on it all the time and it's causing me to panic I have tried to look and also pushed my toothbrush down my throat to get rid of it but it's still there? I know I sound manic but it's just that my anxiety is so heightened night now it's like a panic attack is permanently looming....any ideas if the iron or change in thyroxine dose could cause heightened anxiety?

I am dreading Christmas I feel so low but anxious at the same time? I keep bursting into tears but then an hour later I'm having a panic attack?? I could probably deal with one or the other but having both anxiety and depression is draining... :(

23-12-13, 21:35
I think most of us feel very anxious and on edge around Christmas due to all the pressure to feel good, be happy and money.

Talking from personal experiance when I used to have bad panic attacks/anxious feelings I used to constantly feel like there was a lump in my throat, for me it was one of those horrible symptoms that used to panic me.

5 years later and I'm still here! If you feel concerned about your medication then talk to your doctor. They're there to help. Though try to remember that anxiety can cause heart palps too.

Being anxious can cause a whole host of horrible feelings that are non-life threatening or dangerous. Keep your chin up. :D x

Mrs Anxious
23-12-13, 21:52
Hi Ryan, thanks for reply I am going to see doctor after Christmas about meds with the possibility of going back on anti depressants, I don't want to go back down that road would much rather help myself but just don't know if I am able to do that right now.... If the Rice Krispie is still there (!) will get doctor to have a look x

23-12-13, 22:15
That's what anxiety is brilliant at doing, making us doubt our own ability to cope. When you feel at your most vulnerable it strikes hot like an iron.
However think of all the times that you have dealt with it and felt a million times better knowing you got through it and achieved it.

I know it's easier said than done but you will get through it as you are stronger than your worried thoughts. :) Have you ever been to CBT therapy? Maybe you could ask your doctor for some form of CBT therapy to help manage your worries if that's something you think might help.

Ultimately you will get through this however you go about it! :)

23-12-13, 22:36
Mrs Anxious get your thyroid properly checked out - T4, T3, how well you're converting the cells etc, because the UK doctors have a tendency to test the bare minimum and it's disgusting that they practice this way.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find that your thyroid disease isn't correctly medicated. And if you're not knowledgable enough yourself then google it and start reading up on it. Under or over medicated and anxiety, palpitations, aches and pains, brain fogs, all manner of physical symptoms/issues will be forever present.

Hope you're feeling better now.

Mrs Anxious
23-12-13, 23:20
Mrs Anxious get your thyroid properly checked out - T4, T3, how well you're converting the cells etc, because the UK doctors have a tendency to test the bare minimum and it's disgusting that they practice this way.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find that your thyroid disease isn't correctly medicated. And if you're not knowledgable enough yourself then google it and start reading up on it. Under or over medicated and anxiety, palpitations, aches and pains, brain fogs, all manner of physical symptoms/issues will be forever present.

Hope you're feeling better now.

Thanks Andria, I did mention before about testing further but was told in the uk we don't test anything other than t4 levels, I have looked into privately getting a full thyroid test but it is very expensive hundreds of pounds in fact which I have t got :(