View Full Version : Please talk migraines to me

23-12-13, 22:39
So last year had a 3-4 month long left sided headache, gp reffered me to neurologist who said migraines, fast forward 1year and its back, been getting left sided headache for 7 days now, had zigzags in left eye on sat and still have headache,when reading up on it it states
Aura first (zigzag in this case)
Headache 2nd.

Now migraine does sound plausible but iv had the ache before the aura and afterwards :shrug:

Also today the right sideof my head has been hurting

23-12-13, 22:44
Hi there Stressed Mama. For me, migraines have never followed the typical pattern. When I first started to have migraines, I got the visual aura and then the massive headache. Then it was really odd. I just get the aura now, with no headache to follow. Those are called optical migraines. If I don't take advil quickly enough, I may get a slight headache. I wouldn't worry since a neurologist has said migraines. They are a serious pain in the rear though.

23-12-13, 22:52
Yes, mingrains! I've had them for a long time for 25 years, and I've had the eye part first and then the headache now I just get the eye part no headache, but I still get the headaches some times. The eye part I sometimes get 8-10 times a day. I'm only 33 years old. I've had them since I was 8 years old. I know a Lot about them!

24-12-13, 08:30
I haven't officially been diagnosed yet, waiting for a neurologist appointment in February. But my balance therapist & GP believe that I have something called vestibular migraine or migraine associate vertigo.

Worst part is I have it on a chronic basis, so I get weird migraine symptoms every day including balance problems which drive me nuts.

Did you know that migraineurs are often misdiagnosed with anxiety? Because their symptoms can be so like anxiety sometimes, and often the anxiety is a actual symptom or a direct result of the migraine.

Migraine affects people in different ways, so don't be surprised that yours doesn't fit the normal pattern. Migraine is basically a disturbance of the nervous system, which can result in many different types of symptoms and symptom patterns.

My symptoms are always there at a low level, but often they get triggered and become way worse. There's no pattern at all. One important thing I've learned is that clenching my jaw at night can trigger the symptoms in a big way, so I'm working to get that problem sorted. Stress & anxiety are also a bit trigger, so I'm working every day to reduce it.

Have you learned anything about a migraine lifestyle or figuring out what your triggers are? It's really important if you want to avoid migraines in the future. Did the neurologist give you any tips?